January 29th Hybrid Design Study Group Invitation

http://www.flickr.com/photos/snre/5114827205/The first College of Ed. Hybrid Design Study group meeting was both interesting and productive!  Turnout was great. Join us for one or more of the upcoming meetings. Refreshments will be served thanks to Cub Kahn and the Center for Teaching and Learning.

When: Our next meeting is Wednesday, January 29 10-11:30 in Furman 411A. (The first hour will be dedicated to discussing the topic of the day and looking at related research and resources. The last 30 minutes will be for small groups to meet and work on curriculum design, or for individuals to ask Cub questions.)

Topic: Hybrid Best Practices, Resources and Research, and Planning Forms, Charts, and Templates (Preview some of the resources on the Hybrid Resources page.)

What to Bring: Curriculum you wish to work on (especially if you wish to come the last 30 minutes)

Upcoming: Cub Kahn is in the process of scheduling guest speakers.  Take a sneak peak at the topics and guests planned to-date.

For more details about the Hybrid Design Study Group, see the Winter Hybrid Study Group page.  Further questions can be directed to Cheridy Aduviri or Jennifer Bachman.

Happy designing!

About Cheridy Aduviri

Instructor in ESOL/Bilingual Education Program, College of Ed., OSU
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