Week 7

I’m starting to lose track of weeks now and I’m sure I’ve missed a few, but for a few weeks we were just staying in stone town going to class everyday. We left Stone town and headed towards Pemba today. It was crazy; the airport has one security checkpoint. The airplane was like a puddle jumper and it was basically like having your own private plane for a 30-minute cruise. There is a seat right next to the pilot that gets filled and then the other seats are 3 wide and 5 deep. You can see every instrument and sitting next to the pilot is pretty cool and would cost a lot of money back in the states. We are staying in a hostile for a couple days and then headed to another set of homestay families. The hostile overlooks a portion of the ocean, but it has no hot water and no drinkable water, which means we have to steripen (water sterilizer) everything we drink. Pemba is more rural and less people than the larger island we were previously on. There is no Wi-Fi really here and there aren’t any actual restaurants.

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