Week Three: Getting accustomed

Week Three:

This third week we spent mostly in Stone Town. This is the touristiest spot in Zanzibar and you see many other tourists from the U.S. and Europe. We are staying with local families in the town and this is very different from what you would get in the U.S. My homestay is located in what you would think would be an abandoned alley, but you open a door to another hallway where you find stairs leading up to my house. Starting on the second floor you notice that it’s pretty old, and that a house built in the 50’s has more amenities than we do here. Three days a week the power is shut off to the whole island to save electricity and those days are the toughest. No AC, no WIFI. It’s very hot here sometimes and the humidity doesn’t help. We found a local bar, which is very nice and feels very western, so we spend most of our time there ordering drinks and zoning out on our computers like we have been away for years. You start to realize how dependent we are on social media and our phones once you’re away from it. Heading to a rural fishing village soon for a couple nights. Lets see how I tough this one out.


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