Week Eleven

This summer has been quite the adventure! I cannot express how much fun I have had working at HAREC for the last three months! Before this summer, I never had any experience with entomology. This internship opened my eyes to a new area of science for me. I have thoroughly enjoyed learning about invertebrates, and although I am not planning on pursuing entomology as a career, I believe that it is a very important aspect for understand community dynamics and processes. I have also enjoyed getting more field and lab work experience. The field work we did this summer was extremely rewarding despite all of the mishaps that we had to deal with. We had yet another flat tire this week! That makes a total of five flats this summer! Check out Lauren’s post “2015 Summer Bloopers” http://grasslandrestoration.weebly.com/blog/2015-summer-bloopers!

Flat tire Number 5. Photo courtesy of Lauren A. Smith (click to enlarge)

Even though our internships are over, Estany, Samantha and I will continue to working for Lauren in her lab on campus. I am very excited to keep working on such an interesting project with such great people!

Last sunset in Hermiston! (click to enlarge)

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