About Me

Hello world! I have successfully arrived in Hermiston for my internship at the Hermiston Agricultural Research and Extension Center (HAREC)! I just finished my first year at Oregon State University, and I am majoring in Fisheries and Wildlife Science. For the next ten weeks, I will be working with several OSU professors and graduate students, assisting them with their research on a variety of invertebrates in Oregon. I will be working in the Riparian Entomology Lab, which is one of many labs that are located at HAREC. I am one of three interns working in this lab; Samantha (Sam), Estany, and I are all working together. The three of us are also living together in the grad house that is located on the station. Sam and I will be working with Dr. Sandy DeBano, and I will probably also be doing some work for Dr. Dave Wooster. For the most part, I will be working with Sandy’s graduate student, Lauren Smith. Yes. There is another Lauren Smith… it has already proven to be very confusing!

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