
Maintaining stability in your already-busy life after adding school to the equation is key to student success. Luckily, once you’re admitted to Oregon State Ecampus, you’ll gain access to the Ecampus team of student success counselors who can help guide you on your way.

Here are five tips we suggest to maintain a work-life balance:

Be realistic about time commitments

One of the most frequently asked questions that we hear is about managing time. Between working, taking care of a family, staying connected to friends and school work, time becomes a luxury.

Before applying, consider all of your current time commitments. We recommend using the time worksheet to lay out a typical week to get a good picture of where your time is spent. This can help you make an informed decision about where school will fit.


Think about priorities in terms of both people and tasks. Who are the people you value? What are the most important commitments you currently have?

By prioritizing the people and tasks in your life, you can decide where to focus your time and energy. This helps you to be more productive, but also to be present when you are with the people you value. You will be able to make a more informed decision about the priority of school in your life.

Make time for yourself

What do you enjoy? What makes you happy? For some, that can be exercising or meditating. For others, it is volunteering or spending time outside.

Whatever you do that brings you joy, make it a priority and build in time for it. That will help keep your stress level low and allow you some time to reflect.

Start small

What is a small change you could make today that will make your life easier or more enjoyable? It could be as simple as limiting your commitments or setting a goal to take a walk at least once a week.

Think about something large – and then break it down into small pieces to tackle one piece at a time. Once you build a habit, move on to the next piece.

It is okay if you cannot do it all

Most of the time, the only person who expects you to be able to do it all is you. Sometimes the timing is not right for adding school, and that’s OK.

Taking a closer look at your schedule and commitments should help you to decide whether this is the right time to add school to the mix. If it’s not, don’t get discouraged. The opportunity may be there in the future. Whether you choose to focus your energy on family, school, career or some combination of them all, true success is deciding to commit your time to what you feel matters most.

And when you are ready to jump in, the Ecampus student success team is here to help you succeed. We understand the need for balance, and we can help you navigate the steps to get there.

As we begin to close out the term, it’s time to begin thinking about how to prepare for your final exams. Final exams generally cover several weeks of information and can often times feel stressful and overwhelming. Creating a strategy on preparing for them can decrease the stress and those overwhelming emotions.

Your strategy should take into account the gathering of your materials and notes, reviewing previous tests, creating study aids, and setting time aside to study. It is best to develop a study plan that takes into account those steps as well creating a schedule to review and study. As you begin to create a schedule to review and study, it is best to study in chunks and intervals. Research has shown that studying in intervals over a period time leads to better recall and long-term retention.

Here a couple of examples of study plans that detail the process over 14 and 7 days out from your final exam.

Developing A 7 Day Study Plan 

Developing A 14 Day Study Plan


Don’t miss out on this chance to chat with participants from all around the world! Share your experiences, exchange career tips and build your professional network — all online, from any device.

Our online, cloud-based platform makes it easy and fun for you to participate. After signing in from your home, office, smartphone or tablet, you’ll participate in 1-on-1 chats with other attendees. The chats are text-based and timed, allowing you to quickly meet new people, exchange contact information, and walk away with several new connections you didn’t have before. Each chat is saved, making it simple to look back at your history, review your notes, gather contact information and follow up.


This online chat will connect you directly with organizations from the comfort of your home, office, smartphone or tablet. Our online, cloud-based platform makes it easy and fun for you to participate. After signing in, you’ll be able to explore the available information and opportunities, and participate in 1-on-1 text-based chats with representatives from participating organizations. Share your background and experience, and get all your questions answered.

For more information and to register go to the HOSPITALITY AND RECREATION VIRTUAL CAREER FAIR website.


The most important thing to know about the OSU library as an online student is, It’s Your Library Too! 

Take a few moments to listen to your Ecampus librarian, Stefanie Buck, give an introduction to the types of services and support you can access as an online learner.

If you would like to view this video with closed captions, please click on the YouTube icon in the video to watch it directly from YouTube

A quick overview

1.) Research materials are available in a number of different ways.

  • If you live outside of Corvallis, OR you can have books sent to your home via FedEx
  • Access to online resources 24/7 such as eBooks, journal articles, and databases
  • The interlibrary (ILL) loan program extends your access to materials from outside OSU when we don’t have something available.

2.) You can connect with live help. Librarians and support staff are available by

3.) Don’t forget you have easy access to the Library DIY guide (Links to an external site.) and can quickly search for help in topics like: finding sources, using journals, and citing sources.

4.) If you are looking for material in a specific subject area, be sure to try the Library Guides (Links to an external site.) online.

For more thorough information, be sure to review the 10 Things You Need to Know about OSU Libraries document. 10 things for Ecampus students – 2016.pdfPreview the documentView in a new window

The main thing to remember is to know that you can always reach out for help! If you are new to college, or have been away for some time, conducting research and writing research papers may feel a little overwhelming.

This is a great article written by one of our Ecampus students sharing his perspective of being an online learner.

When I first decided to enroll in an online bachelor’s degree program three years ago, almost every person I told had a different reaction. These ranged from “Good for you!” to “Are you sure you can handle that while working full time?” and the ever-present “I could never do that.”

Now, as I approach the completion of my program, every time this topic comes up in conversation it seems like many friends, family and co-workers who are already living busy lives feel that online learning is something that might work well for others but not for them personally….Read More

If you’re new to the quarter system, you may be surprised that you are already approaching your first midterm exams. Some of you may even have some this week!

There are many ways to study for exams. If you already have a system that works for you, that’s fantastic! If you’re interested in some new ideas and tips, read on and we’ll walk you through some recommendations.

1. Review your syllabus for exam dates, proctoring requirements, points awarded (what percentage of your class grade) and format (essay, multiple choice, etc.). If you are unclear on any of these, reach out to your instructor or TA for clarification early. You’ll want to make sure they have enough time to respond, and you still have time to take action based on what you hear back.

2. Develop a study plan for each exam. Determine what resources you’ll need, many many days/weeks you have to prepare, and about how much additional time you’ll need to plan for on top of weekly course requirements to fit in exam preparation.  Check out the exam preparation worksheet and the 7 day study plan for some ideas on engaging with this process.

* if you are using a proctor, make sure you know when to be at the location, how to get there, where to park, where the building is located, what materials you can bring, etc.

3. Engage with the material in active and variable ways. This is an important part of the memory and recall process. While reading and reviewing notes is important, incorporating additional methods will help with retaining the information. You can create your own study guide or outline if one isn’t provided, create and use note cards, complete the practice questions in your textbook, and/or teach someone else about what you are learning. Review the Active Studying worksheet for some ideas.

4. Organize a study group. Although you might not be in the same town as your classmates, study groups are still an option! If you haven’t yet, check out the student page on Google Apps for OSU (Links to an external site.). Google Hangouts (Links to an external site.) is a great option for holding virtual study sessions, and all students can log in with their ONID email. Need some ideas on how to make the most of a study group? Take some tips from the Academic Success Center on How to Conduct a Successful Study Group.

5. Take care of yourself! Managing stress, getting enough sleep, and other self-care items go a long way in exam performance. Pulling an “all-nighter” isn’t likely to improve your test scores, and isn’t recommended. Check out our Ecampus Student Success blog post on Beating the stresses of exams.

The video below take a more thorough look at test preparation, and discusses some ideas for incorporating exam review into your daily study habits as an ongoing process.

If you have an exam in the next day or two that you’re feeling unprepared for, read over some recommendations for Emergency Studying (Links to an external site.). Do your best, and think about how you can take a more proactive approach for your next exam.