Last week we talked about one method to plan out studying for finals.  Sometimes planning and list making can help create focus, calm and a clear path on what to do to accomplish goals; however, planning itself can become just another form of procrastination.

If a plan is simple and easy to execute, it can be an effective tool. 

If the plan has taken on a life of its own and created a situation where no action can be taken until the plan is perfect – that’s procrastination.

Marshall Goldsmith, the top-ranked executive coach at the 2013 biennial Thinkers50 ceremony in London, recently presented on “Why We Don’t Do What We Know We Should Do – and How We Can Start Improving Our Odds on Getting Better” and a main idea to takeaway was that no plan is perfect, but taking the first step of action on any plan is better than endlessly continuing to consider options.  Take action.


Worried that your study plan for finals isn’t quite done?  Still wondering if you should read the textbook, then your notes, or the notes first?  Finals are coming, major project deadlines are right around the corner and the time to do something is now.  If your still not sure, consider starting with the Learning Outcomes or Course Objectives listed in your syllabus.  Write down everything you know already about each one and then decide – which ones do you need to focus on most?  Does that mean textbook review, practice problems, lecture notes review or a combination?  Pick an action and move forward with it, and check in frequently to make sure you are staying on track and using your time well.  Contact the instructor now about any confusing topics.

In summary, if you find yourself spending more time on the study plan than studying, or if you’re still struggling with “where to start”, pick something small that you feel is a “good” start and get to work.

“A good solution applied with vigour now is better than a perfect solution applied ten minutes later.”
George Patton, American general (1885–1945)


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