Spring term that is! 


If you ask an online student –

“what are the most important skills for academic success?”

organization and time management

are usually right there at the top.  One way to stay organized and be aware of all the demands on your time is the use of a planner.


Things to keep in mind when planning your time:

  1. Start with your fixed commitments (work, appointments, family or other obligations)
  2. Add in at least 3 hours per week PER CREDIT of your coursework.  That means if you are taking a 3 credit class, you should budget nine hours of time for reading, reviewing online materials, discussion boards, assignments and study.  How much school do you have time for?
  3. Make sure to schedule time for health and wellness – meals, exercise, and time to relax
  4. Think about scheduling in some “fun” whether that is an afternoon fishing or shopping, a visit with friends or family, or just taking a long hot bath.

There are as many different styles of planners as there are students.  What is important is to figure out what works for you.  If you try something and it is clunky, or takes too much time to develop, or you just don’t feel comfortable with it – try something else!  There is no right or wrong to planning, as long as you get everything done on time without feeling like you are always “at the last minute”.  Plan your work, then work your plan!


Some methods students have used in the past:


As you start a new term, think about what worked for you in your previous courses. 

How can you take what worked well in the past and make it even better this term?

Plan to use free academic resources including NetTutor, the OSU Online Writing Lab, and consider partnering with an Ecampus Success Counselor as you identify and work toward academic goals.

Classes start Monday March 31, and your Blackboard sites should all be open.  If the are not, please contact your instructor or Ecampus Student Services at ecampus.ESS@oregonstate.edu

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