Tree-of-heaven spreads quickly and is difficult to control. Don’t ignore saplings and small clusters.
If you live in an area where tree-of-heaven can grow, look for it on your property. Take note of the location and create a management plan. For tree-of-heaven distribution in Oregon, see the map shown to the right or below.
Manage tree-of-heaven it before plants produce seed or spread by suckers, if possible.
Tree-of-heaven is difficult to control. It thrives in harsh sites. It is a prolific seed producer and its seeds remain viable for several years. Lastly, tree-of-heaven spreads with vigorous suckering.
If you have established stands of tree-of-heaven on your property, set realistic management goals and take a multiyear approach.
Consider hiring a licensed pesticide applicator company to manage this tree on your property.
What you need to know
Tree-of-heaven takes over areas when left unmanaged
Tree-of-heaven spreads with seed and suckers.
It is very difficult to get rid of an established stand of
tree-of-heaven. For example, the photo below shows tree-of-heaven
establishing in an urban right-of-way. Management of this area will
require repeated effort over several years to control this stand of
small trees.
There is evidence suggesting that tree-of-heaven produces chemicals in
its leaves, roots, and bark that limit the establishment of other