By Kara Baylog, CFA Coordinator

After the hard work developing Citizen’s Fire Academy, CFA coordinator Rhianna Simes has stepped down and newcomer Kara Baylog has taken on the challenge of continuing and growing this practical course in fire preparedness. Kara comes to OSU Extension and the Citizen’s Fire Academy from just over the state line in Siskiyou County, California, where she worked with the Shasta Valley Resource Conservation District in developing and running forestry and fire educational programs for landowners and the public.


RB CFACitizen’s Fire Academy Volunteer Robert Briggs brings together his neighbors and the local fire department to discuss how his community can work together and prepare for wildfire.

CFA volunteers from the 2014 program are out and about, engaging their neighborhoods and communities to educate people on how to improve fire resiliency on homes and properties and plug into local resources and fire-fighting agencies. CFA Volunteers serve as sparkplugs to motivate their communities into action.

Do you want to be a sparkplug in your community? Do you want to get informed on how to become more fire resilient and jump-start your neighborhood to prepare for fire season? Over the next couple of months, we will be gauging interest in bringing the program back in the future, perhaps in 2016. If you are interested in participating in the next round of engaging and informative classes, field trips, conversations and service, please contact Kara at 541-776-7371 ext 213 or

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