SHPR Digest – March 2013

Notes From the Chair

Welcome to the first installment of the SHPR Digest – our new monthly-ish summary of news from across the School.  A big thanks to Bob for pulling this together and all of you who wrote in with updates.  As he says in his final words, we really do encourage you to keep us all up to date on your activities.

Have a great March!


Faculty News

Anita Guerrini

A huge congratulations go out to Anita Guerrini who was just elected by the American Association for the Advancement of Science to be Chair of the Section on History and Philosophy of Science.

Dr. Guerrini officially became ‘chair-elect’ on February 19, 2013 and will assume the role of chair in 2014.    The 2014 annual meeting of the AAAS will be held in Chicago, IL – February 13-17, 2014 on the theme “Meeting Global Challenges: Discovery and Innovation.”

It would be great to have a large SHPR presence at this meeting as this would be a fantastic opportunity to showcase our programs.    You can submit symposium proposals through April 23rd, 2013.

Be sure to check out Anita’s new blog, Anatomia Animalia!

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Stuart Sarbacker was featured in the most recent issue of OSU’s research magazine, Terra in an article entitled “Green Yoga: Posture for the Planet“.   Stuart explained that in India, the birthplace of the exercise, yoga is beginning to stretch beyond the boundaries of one’s self and into the ecological realm.   A new movement called “Green Yoga” encourages men and women who practice yoga — called yogis and yoginis — to strive for bettering their environment.

Stuart will be teaching a course during Spring Term devoted to Green Yoga.

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  • Amy Koehlinger‘s recent article “By Whose Authority” on the conflict between nuns and the Vatican was featured on the cover of the “American Catholic Studies Newsletter.”

Visit the Cushwa Center @ Notre Dame to read the full article!


  • Amy along with Stuart Sarbacker has also started a reading group for faculty in SHPR, and throughout the university, on theories and methods in the academic study of religion.   Contact Amy or Stuart for more information!
  • Amy and Courtney Campbell also teamed earlier this month to present:

“God Talk” in the Public Presidency

You can watch their presentation below!

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Joseph Orosco hosted the annual conference of the the Peace and Conflict Studies Consortium (PCSC) entitled “The Chemistry of Peace: Transforming Cultures of Fear Through Education.”   Peace and Conflict Scholars converged on Milam Hall earlier this month to compare notes, programs, and lessons learned.

The keynote for this event, “Crucible of Dissent: Ava Helen and Linus Pauling,” was delivered by Mina Carson who will be releasing a biography of Ava Helen Pauling later this year.   You can watch her presentation below:

Be sure to also check out Mina’s new blog, The Historian’s Lens

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The Sun Magazine recently interviewed Kathleen Dean Moore for an article entitled “If Your House is on Fire” discussing the twin threats of climate change and corporate hegemony.

Moore’s presentation “Red Sky at Morning: Ethics and the Oceanic Crisis,” which was given at the Nobel Conference 48: Our Global Ocean, was also recently uploaded to YouTube.

You can watch her excellent presentation below:

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Congratulations go out to Stacey Smith who will be guest blogging for the New York Times starting this month.

Look for her first published article sometime in mid-April!


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Stephanie Jenkins and Shari Clough have begun laying the groundwork
for a new philosophy outreach project entitled “Phronesis.”

Look for more details on our homepage in the coming months!

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Congratulations also go out to Michael A. Osborne, Professor of History of Science who has just been elected a corresponding member of the International Academy of the History of Science.

The Academy, based in Paris, was formed in 1928 to represent and organize the history of science at an international level.

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On January 8th, Oxford University Press released the The Oxford Encyclopedia of American Military and Diplomatic History co-edited by Christopher McKnight Nichols.   We will be celebrating the release of this monumental reference book with the American Military and Diplomatic History Conference which will be held on May 7th.

This release comes while Nichols is still getting a flurry of publicity and a recent 17 page rountable review in the Journal of American Studies about his most recent book, Promise and Peril: America at the Dawn of the Global Age.

…Nichols has accomplished a major feat, demonstrating that isolationism was a far richer and more complex intellectual tradition than its critics have ever imagined–one that still speaks to our own time, freshening the stale formulas of the Washington consensus and allowing us to re-imagine the role of the United States in the world.  –Jackson Lears

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Speaking of books, Paul Kopperman‘s most recent book “Regimental Practice” by John Buchanan, M.D.: An Eighteenth-Century Medical Diary and Manual has been released to the Scholar’s Archive at OSU.   Unlike the 2012 version published by Ashgate Press, this complete and unabridged version includes over 300 pages of additional notes and historical context on Buchanan’s therapy for select diseases, surgical operations, and the uses and recipes for drugs.

We recently sat down with Dr. Kopperman to discuss this unique collaboration as the inaugural video for our new SHPR “Behind the Books” video series.

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Last month, the Horning Endowment for the Humanities sponsored an Alpine Environments workshop featuring several climate historians and scientists including Mark Carey (UO), Toby Dittrich (PCC), Mike Osborne (OSU), and Harold Zald (OSU).   The keynote for this event featured environmental historian Roderick Nash who was introduced by Jake Hamblin and spoke to an overflowing standing room only audience.

All of the presentations can be seen on our departmental YouTube Channel,
but you can view Nash’s full talk below:

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On Feb. 11th, the annual Carson Lecture was held featuring Jorge Cañizares-Esguerra who presented a talk entitled “Silencing the Past: On Imperious Historical Categories.”   His talk, introduced by Nicole von Germeten, has rocketed up our YouTube channel and in one week is already our third most viewed video.    (David Luft‘s fall talk on Philosophy and Science in Nineteenth-Century Austria is still #1)

You can watch Dr. Cañizares-Esguerra’s lecture below:

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Upcoming Events

(Click for additional information)

March 6, 5:00 PM (Milam Hall, 301):
Religious Studies @ OSU: Perennial Philosophy

March 6, 5:30 PM (Valley Library, Autzen Room):
History Students Association Career and Job Fair

March 7, 7:00 PM (LaSells Stewart Center, C&E)
Animal Wise: The Thoughts and Emotions of our Fellow Creatures
The Spring Creek Project presents Virginia Morell

March 8, 3:00 PM (Memorial Union, Journey Room)
Thinking About Animals Thinking
A Spring Creek Project Symposium with Michael Nelson, Kathleen Dean Moore,
Dave Mellinger, Bill Ripple and Virginia Morell.

April 2, 7:00 PM (LaSells Stewart Center, C&E)
A Hundere Lecture with Felicia Cohn

April 4, 7:30 PM (LaSells Stewart Center, Austin)
Nonviolence in the Contemporary World / Samdhong Rinpoche
The Ava Helen and Linus Pauling Peace Lecture

April 08-11, 7:30 PM (LaSells Stewart Center, C&E)
OSU Holocaust Memorial Week
Alex Hinton, Ruth Klüger, Peter Hayes, & Henryk Grynberg

April 16, 4:00 PM (Memorial Union, Journey Room)
American Liberalism and the Cold War: The Case for Monroe Sweetland
An American Culture and Politics Lecture with Bill Robbins

April 25, 4:00 PM (Memorial Union, Pan Afrika Room)
Lincoln’s Bequest: Losing and Finding Religion in a Time of War
A Hundere Lecture with Ray Haberski

April 29, 4:00 PM (LaSells Stewart Center, C&E Auditorium)
Cultural Competence: The Spirit Catches You
A Hundere Lecture with Anne Fadiman

May 06/08/10 (Memorial Union, Journey Room)
Science and Nationhood
A Horning Visiting Scholar Lecture Series with Robert Fox

May 07 (MU, Journey Room / LaSells C&E)
The American Military and Diplomatic History Conference
David Milne, Timothy Lynch, Danielle Holtz, Christopher McKnight Nichols

For Your Consideration

Grant Proposal:  These NEH grants support national or regional (multistate) training programs for scholars and advanced graduate students to broaden and extend their knowledge of digital humanities. Through these programs, NEH seeks to increase the number of humanities scholars using digital technology in their research and to broadly disseminate knowledge about advanced technology tools and methodologies relevant to the humanities. The projects may be a single opportunity or offered multiple times to different audiences. Institutes may be as short as a few days and held at multiple locations or as long as six weeks at a single site. For example, training opportunities could be offered before or after regularly occurring scholarly meetings, during the summer months, or during appropriate times of the academic year. The duration of a program should allow for full and thorough treatment of the topic.

Receipt Deadline March 7, 2013 for Projects Beginning October 2013
Click here for more information.

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CFP:  Oregon Humanities is still seeking scholars, community leaders, innovators, provocateurs, artists, and other engaged thinkers to lead Conversation Project programs.

The Conversation Project offers Oregon nonprofits free, humanities-based public discussion programs about provocative issues and ideas. We are looking for leaders who are smart, passionate about ideas, and curious–who understand the role of the humanities in the public sphere, but who are also teachers at heart, regardless of their day job.

Proposals for 2013-15 Conversation Project programs are due March 8, 2013. Visit to read the full Request for Proposals and apply online.

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CFP:  The Seventeenth Annual Meeting or the International Association for Environmental Philosophy will be held in Eugene Oregon on October 26–28, 2013.

There is still (a little) time to submit!   The Deadline on the CFP is MARCH 8, 2013.
Click here for more information!

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CFP:  The Interdisciplinary Encounters in Religion, Law, and Ethics working group at the University of California-Irvine contributes to the culture of interdisciplinary reading that focuses on probing the tensions in religious and secular ethics and legal systems.

The group is holding its first interdisciplinary conference on May 10, 2013 at the University of California-Irvine.

Deadline for submissions is March 10, 2013, 5pm PST.
Click here for more information.

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Grant Proposal:  The Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor will support a program to promote freedom of expression and association for majority and minority religious populations, focusing on youth and religious leaders. The program will design and implement a participatory online network and related social media tools to help foster respect for religious diversity, reduce sectarian tensions, counter violent extremism, and respond to calls for the punishment of blasphemy and apostasy.  Focused on Near East Asia / Indonesia.

Click here for more information and details.

Deadline for submissions is  March 22, 2013

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Grant Proposal:  Land O’Lakes Foundation Community Grants range from $500 to $25, 000. Some larger donations are made.   Land O’Lakes Foundation Community Grants Program provides support through cash grants to nonprofit organizations that are working to improve communities where Land O’Lakes has a significant concentration of members or employees. These include organizations:

  •     Such as United Way that provide funding to community human services.
  •     That work to alleviate hunger.
  •     Designed to build knowledge and leadership skills of rural youth.
  •     Active in addressing and solving community problems.
  •     Promoting artistic endeavors — especially in under-served rural areas, touring or outreach programs.

Land O’Lakes Foundation funds national programs and programs in 20 states: Arkansas, California, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Texas, Washington, Wisconsin.

Generally, grants are restricted to organizations that have been granted tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Community Grants are limited to one per organization per calendar year.

Click here for more information!

Final Deadline:   April 1st, 2013 (others later)

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Grant Proposal (for those up for a real challenge):  The Program Challenge Fund was created to support high-profile, primetime, limited series for the national public television schedule. The Program Challenge Fund is jointly administered by CPB and PBS, which make funding decisions based on mutually established programming goals and objectives.

Click here for more information!

Final Deadline:   April 4th, 2013 (rolling/bi-annual)

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Grant Proposal:  The National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC), a part of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), supports projects that promote the preservation and use of America’s documentary heritage essential to understanding our democracy, history, and culture.  This grant application information is for Publishing Historical Records projects.

Colonial and Early National Period
(projects preparing publications whose documents fall predominantly prior to 1820)

Final Deadline:   June 6, 2013

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Grant Proposal:  The National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC), a part of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), supports projects that promote the preservation and use of America’s documentary heritage essential to understanding our democracy, history, and culture.  This grant application information is for Digitizing Historical Records projects.

Final Deadline:   June 11, 2013

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The Last Word

This is our first attempt at a monthly-ish news post and this will be an evolving process.   I hope to release one of these around the first day of each month so that we can all keep up with everything going on across the SHPR.   Are there things that could be better?   Are there things you would like to see more / less of?    Do you have a great source of information you’d like to share?   Have you actually read this far?

If you have items or updates that you would like included in the next issue, please send them as well as any comments/suggestions to Robert Peckyno before March 24th.

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