Our research and extension team has published a Pacific Northwest Extension bulletin on camelina stand establishment. The work was done across multiple environments in the Pacific Northwest ranging from arid eastern Washington to the wet Willamette Valley. The effects of planting date and method were examined in relationship to establishment of camelina stands and seed yield.
Here’s a new article from our seed production research and extension team on trinexapac-ethyl plant growth regulator (PGR) and field burning effects on the expression of yield components in strong creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra L. subsp. rubra) seed crops. The field trials were conducted in the Willamette Valley over a 4-year period at Hyslop Farm.
This article will appear in the next issue of Agronomy Journal and is a part of our series on PGR tools for use in grass and legume seed production. The product is marketed as Palisade, Moddus, and several generic products for lodging control in grass seed crops and legume seed crops.
Strong creeping red fescue in flower (T.G. Chastain photo)
Key findings of the article:
Fall applications of the PGR had no effect on seed yield components.
Culm length was reduced and lodging was lessened by spring applications of PGR in strong creeping red fescue.
Spring applications of PGR increased the number of florets produced.
A combination of burning and spring PGR applications increased seed number and seed weight, thus contributing to higher seed yields in strong creeping red fescue.
The 8th IHSG Conference will be held in Lanzhou, Gansu Province, China from 21 to 24 June 2015. The conference will be followed by a post-conference tour to the Gansu Hexi Corridor.
Here’s the schedule for the conference and post-conference tour:
21 June (Sunday) – Conference Registration at Lanzhou University
22-24 June (Monday-Wednesday) – Conference papers and posters, visit research site
Post-Conference Tour
25-29 June (Thursday-Monday) Depart Lanzhou by train to Hexi Corridor, visit seed fields, processing plants and the famous Dunghuang Grottoes (Mogao Caves)
30 June (Tuesday) – Delegates depart from Dunghuang Airport to Beijing and other cities
More details will follow at the IHSG site (link below) including the announcement of the conference theme and session topics as well as a call for abstracts.
OSU is presenting two seed production field day offerings on the same day where the public can visit research farms and learn more about a variety of seed crops. The field days provide a convenient choice for those located in either the western or eastern parts of the state.
May 28 – Hyslop Farm Field Day – Plant growth regulators and irrigation management in red clover seed crops, establishment and tillage systems in annual ryegrass, nitrogen effects on seed yield in yellow mustard, and more. Starts at 8 AM and ends with lunch provided by the OSU Crops Club.
Located at Hyslop Crop Science Field Research Laboratory just off Highway 20 between Corvallis and Albany at 3455 NE Granger Corvallis, OR 97330. Phone (541) 737-6067. Hyslop Farm location
May 28 – Grass Seed Field Day – Various topics focused on grass seed production practices and pests including ergot, powdery mildew and stripe rust control, ammonia volatilization, and more. Starts at 8:30 AM and ends at noon.
Located at OSU’s Hermiston Agricultural Research and Extension Center, 2121 S. First Street, Hermiston, OR 97838. Phone (541) 567-6337.
Research conducted at Hyslop Farm has shown that spring irrigation in tall fescue and perennial ryegrass can increase seed yield. The soil at Hyslop Farm is a medium textured soil (Woodburn silt loam) that is typical of many places in the valley where tall fescue and perennial ryegrass seed crops are grown. This soil is deep and has good water holding capacity.
Tall fescue seed yield responses to spring irrigation varied among the cultivars tested. Increased number of seed in tall fescue was most responsible for the seed yield improvement observed with spring irrigation. Strategic timing of spring irrigation to support seed filling was more important for increasing seed yield than season-long irrigation. Spring irrigation increased seed yield up to 39%. First years stands of stands of tall fescue averaged 28% increase in seed yield with spring irrigation while second year stands averaged 11% increased yield. Continue reading →
A new article from our research and extension team on strobilurin-containing fungicide effects in tall fescue seed crops has just been published online in the journal Crop Management, a joint product of the American Society of Agronomy and the Crop Science Society of America. This work was led by Nicole Anderson, an OSU Field Crops Agent. The trials were conducted in grower fields from 2010 to 2012.
Stem rust in tall fescue (T.G. Chastain photo)
The study reports several important findings including:
Strobilurin-containing fungicides increased tall fescue seed yield by 17% across on-farm sites and years.
Tall fescue seed yield was increased even with low incidence and severity of stem rust.
Seed yield increases were attributable to a combination of increased seed number and seed weight.
Cleanout was reduced by up to 18% with the fungicide treatment.