Scrubs, Smurfs, and Sea Stars

Have you ever seen the TV show Scrubs? If not, then you are missing out on some of the greatest television in the history of television. If so, then you can sort of understand what this week has been like for me. Scrubs follows three young doctors (JD, Turk, and Elliot) as they begin their careers at Sacred Heart Hospital. It’s hilarious. My sister and I can recite entire episodes, having both watched every season at least 3 times (shoutout to Netflix). But that’s not the point. The point is, when JD, Turk, and Elliot first arrive as interns, they know next to nothing. Everything they do is a learning experience, and every time they accomplish even the most menial task it’s a huge victory. That’s basically my life right now. This week I began my post as a Sea Grant Scholar working with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife in their Marine Reserves Program. With me are two other Sea Grant Scholars, Sarah and Neal (the Elliot and Turk to my JD (I get to be JD because I’m writing this)). Together, we’re taking on the world, one marine reserve at a time.

My inspirations. From the left, Turk aka Neal, JD aka me, and Elliot aka Sarah.

Instead of Scrubs we get survival suits

As the three of us leave the office every day, we all walk with a little bit of a strut, just like the Scrubs characters after a day in the hospital. You can’t help but feel a little proud after a day working hard for a cause that you really care about. Sometimes that involves scrambling over mussels in the rocky intertidal zone searching for sea stars. Sometimes it involves jumping into 50-degree water where you can’t see three feet in front of your face to try and catch juvenile fish. And sometimes it involves laminating papers. Just five days in, this has already been by far the most diverse work experience I’ve had, and I love it. I’ll be spending the summer undertaking ecological monitoring of Oregon’s marine reserves. Each of the five reserves is unique and monitoring all five is quite a task. Volunteer fishermen catch fish, take measurements, and release them. Longlines are also used to similar effect. Scuba divers and landers equipped with GoPros assess subtidal diversity. We also have two awesome submersible ROVs (Remotely Operated Vehicles) that conduct underwater surveys. But the monitoring project I’ll be working most closely on certainly has the cutest name.

I’ll be spending much of the summer working with Standard Monitoring Units for the Recruitment of Fishes, also known as SMURFs. These adorable contraptions are basically a tangle of folded plastic suspended a few meters below the surface of the ocean. They serve as a great substrate for juvenile fish to take shelter in. Several have been set up inside and outside of the reserves to monitor fish recruitment. Collecting the fish involves snorkeling down with a Bincke net (pronounced binky) and grabbing the entire SMURF. Once you’ve got your SMURF in your binky (adorable right?) you take it up on the boat, collect the fish, take them back to shore and measure them. I haven’t gone SMURFing yet, but I’m really looking forward to getting out on the ocean.

Though I haven’t SMURFed, I have spent a significant amount of time in the field already. I spent Thursday and Friday morning surveying sea stars at Otter Rock and Cascade Head. Sea-star wasting disease is a gruesome viral infection which essentially causes stars to pull themselves apart and dissolve into the rock. Not a pretty sight. There have been outbreaks in the past, but in 2014 it returned to Oregon with devastating effects. Recently the prevalence of disease has seemed to subside. However, it’s unclear whether that is because the populations are recovering or because only the largest stars are highly susceptible and they have been mostly wiped out. That’s why we monitor. We crawl on our hands and knees, comb through algae, and splash through tide pools on the hunt for the “lions of the intertidal.” It’s basically a safari. Plus I’ve gotten to see the sun rising over some beautiful beaches. Anyone who knows me will tell you how much I love Ohio and Pennsylvania (where I’m from and where I went to school, respectively), but the natural beauty of Oregon blows the Midwest out of the water.

Hard at work surveying in the intertidal

A beautiful family of healthy sea stars

It’s been a spectacular start to the summer so far. I’m working for an awesome cause undertaking an awesome project in an awesome place and meeting some awesome people. It’s awesome. What has stood out to me so far is how quickly I’ve been able to get involved with meaningful work. We spent one day doing hiring paperwork, and the very next day I was in the water trying to capture black rockfish in a net. Pardon my awful closing pun, but in the world of marine biology they toss you in the deep end and it’s up to you to either sink or swim. Sorry.

Week One: Green Crabs

This summer, I will be interning for the South Slough Estuarine Research Reserve (SSERR), near Coos Bay, Oregon. I mainly will be working on monitoring European green crabs (Carcinus maenas), one of the most invasive marine species. Native to the Atlantic coast of Europe and northern Africa, green crabs were first documented on the East coast of the U.S. in the mid-1800’s and in California in 1989. Green crab presence was first documented in Coos Bay in 1998. Green crabs can out-compete juvenile Dungeness crabs (Metacarcinus magister) and disrupt native communities, including negatively impacting commercially important shellfish and eelgrass populations.

The SSERR has continued to monitor the green crab populations in the South Slough and Coos Bay since their discovery. Though the population has cycled through years of high and low abundance since the species was first documented in the region, the last couple years have seen a spike in green crab abundance. Along with other interns and staff, one of my main roles this summer will be to continue monitoring efforts throughout the South Slough, tracking their distribution and abundance at various points throughout the estuary.

This week, after settling in to my housing and meeting the green crab team and the rest of the staff, my first task was to conduct inventory on all the green crab trapping equipment to prepare for the season’s fieldwork. We use two main traps in the green crab research: 1) Fukui traps, and 2) Minnow traps. Fukui traps are intended to capture adult crabs, while minnow traps are aimed at smaller juvenile crabs.

Thursday and Friday were our first days out in the field. Traps have to be set during the morning low tide, and then are left until the low tide the following morning. On Thursday, we set traps at 2 sites in the estuary, and on Friday, we retrieved crabs from the traps.

Setting a fukui trap in the Metfield site in Charleston, OR.

Me holding a green crab caught in one of the traps. All of the green crabs caught are weighed and measured, and their sex, abdomen color, and number of missing limbs recorded. (My eyes were closed in every picture taken.)

Retrieving crabs in a fukui trap at the second site. Dungeness crabs, Oregon shore crabs, and sculpin (a fish) are also often caught in the traps. This site was extremely muddy, and we all got our boots stuck multiple times.
























These two days of fieldwork were just a brief start to the green crab project, and we will continue monitoring at several sites throughout the estuary for the rest of the summer. Collecting data on green crab abundance and distribution will help us better understand their population in the region and hopefully mitigate and prevent damage to the native ecosystem.


Subjective well-being: What’s the worth?

Let’s Begin with an Exercise…

Look up from your screen and observe the things around you.

As I do so myself, it is not difficult to estimate the market value of the couch, rug, and even the land on which my cabin resides. If I were to have a yard sale tomorrow, each item could be priced with a bright orange sticker for potential buyers to assess and purchase.

“…it is not difficult to estimate the market value…”

Many appraisals of worth, similar to those that we just assigned our surrounding items, are based on the ideals supported by Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Each object has a market value, which fluctuates with condition, use, and personal necessity for that thing. On a national level, our country’s resources can be assessed and quantified as Gross National Product (GNP). Simply put, everything that can be used has a worth.

“Subjective well-being: overall quality of life”.

As rational as the ideas of Gross Domestic and National Product seems, this system of assessment is flawed. Now that you have looked at the items around you, indulge me in a bit of introspection and think back to one of your happiest moments.

How do you place a value on that time? By GDP and GNP’s standards, there is no market value for the scene you just pictured or the feeling of satisfaction you may feel upon reflection. Your happiest moment can instead be categorized under a non-market (or non-use) value. Though you cannot assign a price to it, that instant of happiness adds merit to your life and increases your subjective well-being, or quality of life.

In his 1968 address to the University of Kansas, Robert Kennedy encompassed this idea of non-market value best in saying,

Robert Kennedy on Gross National Product (GNP)

“…gross national product does not allow for the health of our children, the quality of their education or the joy of their play.  It does not include the beauty of our poetry or the strength of our marriages, the intelligence of our public debate or the integrity of our public officials.  It measures neither our wit nor our courage, neither our wisdom nor our learning, neither our compassion nor our devotion to our country, it measures everything in short, except that which makes life worthwhile.”

Often our most valued moments are those that have no market value. This week, I have begun to delve into the literature surrounding subjective well-being (SWB), which I previously alluded to as our overall quality of life. This concept of SWB can be applied in a natural setting as well, despite our attempts to place monetary value to resources such as land, water, and forests. Though these aspects of nature are factored into our GNP, there is an element of worth that we cannot account for with simple market value. For example, many people will donate to rainforest conservation funds even though a large portion of those donors will never set foot in the rainforest themselves. The worth lies in the existence of the forest instead their use of that land.

Oregon Marine Reserves (image by Oregon State Parks).

This summer I am studying subjective well-being surrounding the protection of marine areas on the Oregon coast in the form of five marine reserves. Through administration of survey instruments tailored to our nearby fishing communities, I am working with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife to determine the economic and non-market values of these marine areas. Through the use of choice experiments, we aim to gain a more in depth understanding of the subjective well-being of residents in Oregon coast communities as they relate to forest and marine preservation.

I won’t disclose all of the “good stuff” yet, but stay tuned to this blog. I will be updating weekly with photos, articles, and summaries of my time here.


~Sarah Coffin~


Author and Oregon Sea Grant Scholar Sarah Coffin at Owen Rose Garden in Eugene, Oregon in June, 2017.



Protists, Pathogens, and Fungus… oh my!

I’m using this blog post as an excuse to take a detour from my usual research and explore the tantalizing world of protists. Studying nothing but microbes and chemical compounds for the past year has given me an excitement for small aquatic critters of all kinds. You are officially about to become a sounding board to the army of thoughts and large confusing taxonomic names that are assaulting my brain. Bear with me and you might find yourself similarly enthralled!

It started with reading a paper on the ecology of Labyrinthulomycetes (Raghukumar 2002) as I was studying the topic of disease in eelgrass. Recently, I have been doing a lot of research on seagrass for classwork and personal interest (“NERD!”). I find seagrass meadows particularly fascinating since they are the most common coastal ecosystem on the planet, sequester 12x more carbon than terrestrial forests, provide habitat for thousands of species, and filter contaminated water in temperate AND tropical coastal/estuarine ecosystems. I think of seagrass meadows as “unsexy” coral reefs (“NERD!”).

Common eelgrass (Zostera marina) is a type of seagrass that often suffers from the parasitic disease called Eelgrass Wasting Disease. Labyrinthula zosterae is a marine protist that causes this disease by destroying the photosynthetic ability of eelgrass leaves through lesion formation. The L. zosterae protist is actually symbiotic if the host is unstressed. As soon as the host becomes stressed (due to any number of factors, such as salinity, temperature, light, etc.) L. zosterae quickly turns pathogenic and produces lesions on the plant. Labyrinthulomycota is the marine protist group under which L. zosterae is found, hence the interest in the Raghukumar paper.

Before we move on, let’s define protists. Protists are any eukaryotic organisms that are not plants, animals, or fungi – they are typically microscopic unicellular organisms. There are four groups that comprise protists: protozoa, slime molds, water molds, and algae. Labyrinthulomycetes are marine slime molds that produce a network of filaments or tubes (“ectoplasmic net”) which they use for movement or nutrient absorption. Interestingly, they are actually more closely related to algae (i.e. diatoms, other phytoplankton, and kelp) than they are to other slime molds.

Enter the chaos. Labyrinthulomycota comprises two groups of marine protists: labyrinthulids (e.g. L. zosterae) and thraustochytrids. Labyrinthulids are typically endobionts (organisms that live within another organism), while thraustochytrids are epibionts (organisms that live on the surface of another organism). My current research is interested in the effects of pharmaceutical contaminants on phytoplankton, so I started thinking about effects of contaminants on other non-algae protists as a trigger for diseases, such as Eelgrass Wasting Disease. My lab-mate, Lyle, who is also an awesomely passionate scientist, is culturing and studying chytrid parasites on phytoplankton. I thought, “Fantastic! A possible chance to study the effects of contaminants on a Labyrinthulomycete! Both chytrids and thraustochytrids are small circular epibionts that have “chytrids” in their name so they must be related… right?”. WRONG.

After a furious onslaught of text messages with [a very patient] Lyle arguing the difference between these two seemingly similar groups of organisms, I finally realized that chytrids are fungi, while thraustochytrids are protists. Now you may be thinking, “Protists and fungi… wait… aren’t those on opposite ends of the tree of life? Why are they both using the word “chytrid” in their names!?”. That’s a question that only taxonomists can answer, but one explanation is that thraustochytrids and labyrinthulids were variously placed under the fungi and protozoa groups before being consolidated into the Labyrinthulomycota protist group. Labyrinthulids look very similar to protozoa and thraustochytrids look very similar to fungi (e.g. chytrids). Similar morphology in combination with a seriously lacking fossil record makes it easy to see how taxonomists could have originally mistaken thraustochytrids for chytrids. It sure fooled me!

(above) Chytrids (left) vs. thraustochytrids (right)
(below) Protozoa (left) vs. labyrinthulids (right)
They look totally different… right?

Now that I understand that Lyle is NOT studying Labyrinthulomycetes, can I still explore the toxicology of protists in my lab? Actually… yes! Even though chytrids are fungi and thraustochytrids are protists, they employ similar life strategies (epibionts) and can be found simultaneously in the environment. For instance, chytrids and thraustochytrids colonize mangrove ecosystems by breaking down pollen spores and fallen leaves (Phuphumirat et al 2016). If they can be found co-occurring in the environment, and if they are hard to tell apart via microscopy, does that mean that Lyle might be unknowingly growing thraustochytrids as well as chytrids in his cultures? This is definitely a possibility, since he often spikes his cultures with actual material from the Columbia River Estuary.

If we have a successful thraustochytrid culture in my lab, I can perform similar toxicology tests as with my phytoplankton. Effects of contaminants on thraustochytrids will give us insight into possible effects of contaminants on other Labyrinthulomycetes, such as Labyrinthulids, which could have ramifications for outbreaks of Eelgrass Wasting Disease. Of course, labyrinthulids are endobionts so their exposure to contaminants would be different. Nevertheless, disease ecology is a wonderful excuse to expand my research interests and enter through the gateway of non-algae protists. The world of Labyrinthulomycete toxicology awaits!

On a closing note, non-algae protists are particularly neglected in the world of microbial research. I can’t help but think that part of the reason scientists bypass these organisms is due to confusing taxonomy and terminology. But don’t let that deter you – all it takes is a few text messages to your scientist friends to start understanding protists in relation to other plants, animals, and fungi. In the meantime, oh, the possibilities that this negligence affords! This could be the beginning of a beautiful project for those of us who know…



Raghukumar S. (2002). Ecology of marine protists, the Labyrinthulomycetes (Thraustochytrids and Labyrinthulids). European Journal of Protistology 38: 127-145.

Phuphumirat W., Ferguson D. K., Gleason F. H. (2016). The colonization of palynomorphs by chytrids and thraustochytrids during pre–depositional taphonomic processes in tropical mangrove ecosystems. Fungal Ecol. 23: 11–19. 10.1016/j.funeco.2016.05.006

Seafood Processors and DEQ

Since session started and elected officials have been for the most part confined to the capital I have attended various in district meetings on their behalf. One particular meeting, or series of meetings, were held by Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) for Seafood Processors who are facing a looming permit change. This is everything I learned about that process;

In February DEQ came and met with the Coastal Caucus to discuss their plans to meet with the actual seafood processors to better understand the challenges facing processors, to discuss DEQ’s need to update permit requirements to reflect the most current water quality standards, and to outline next steps.  Since that time, DEQ and Business Oregon have been working closely with Oregon’s seafood processors to better understand their operational needs, identifying challenges as well as opportunities.

The process of discussion around reviewing the 900J general permit for renewal started in Astoria on April 18th, this permit governs the waste water allowed be discharged after the processors have taken whole sea creatures and turned them into saleable products. DEQ has established an internal project team that has been working to identify and better understand technical concerns to be addressed in this permit renewal, informed in part by the feedback they received during sites visits in 2016. DEQ has reviewed operational variables (such as species processed, discharge volumes, seasonality of operations, treatment technologies) and location variables specific to the receiving water (such as water quality characteristics, pollutant restrictions/limitations, availability of dilution) that must be considered when renewing the permits. These meeting run by members of DEQ’s project team with seafood processors were a concentrated effort to keep those who will be affected by this permit renewal informed of their progress. In addition, a series of public information meetings were held in coastal communities to provide an opportunity for other interested parties and members of the general public to learn about the renewal of the 900J, ask questions, and provide comments that will inform DEQ’s process.

DEQ is now ready to begin the early stages of the public engagement process. After these meetings with permitted facilities DEQ returned to headquarters to review its findings, discuss the issues and challenges that DEQ anticipates, and identify anything they may have overlooked. They are currently preparing to present a permit timeline that will include renewal of the 900J general permit, renewal of expired individual permits, and issuance of new individual permits, where applicable.

DEQ has established an internal project team that has been working to identify and better understand technical concerns to be addressed in this permit renewal, informed in part by the feedback we received during our visits with the processors. Permitting wastewater discharges for seafood processors is complex. Twenty-four seafood processing facilities maintain wastewater discharge permit coverage under either the 900J general or individual National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permits. No two facilities are alike, and the water bodies receiving wastewater discharges vary greatly.

DEQ staff has compiled wastewater discharge and operations data from seafood processors currently covered by either the expired General Permit or individual NPDES permits.  DEQ has reviewed operational variables (such as species processed, discharge volumes, seasonality of operations, treatment technologies) and location variables specific to the receiving water (such as water quality characteristics, pollutant restrictions/limitations, availability of dilution) that must be considered when renewing the permits.  DEQ plans to continue with some combination of individual and general permit coverage.  This may result in some seafood processors operating on a different type of permit.

Rockfish Research Cruise

From May 26 to June 2nd I was aboard the NOAA research vessel the Reuben Lasker to help out with NOAA’s Pre-Recruit survey to help with federal fishery research and to collect samples for my own research. Below is a description of the cruise and a daily log of my time on the cruise)

The Pre-Recruit Survey is part of the National Marine Fisheries Service’s (NMFS) effort to improve stock assessment estimates of rockfish recruitment. Let’s see if I can break this down. Federal fisheries scientists (who work for NMFS) are tasked with tracking commercially harvested fish stocks and determining the appropriate amount that fisherman should catch in a given year to ensure the population persists and produces fish in future years. To give fisherman an accurate number, NMFS scientists need to be able to predict how their specific fish populations will change in size from year to year. Most commercially harvested fishes produce prodigious numbers of young every year, with relatively few surviving to adulthood.

  • I’ll define recruits as fish that survive to adulthood
  • I’ll define recruitment as the total number of fish that survive to adulthood from a cohort born in a given year.

Recruitment can be high or low for a given year depending on survival of the early life stages. The Pre-Recruit Survey collects Pre-Recruit rockfishes (a.k.a. young rockfishes that haven’t reached adulthood, but have passed through most of the gauntlet of high mortality associated with the larval stages) so stock assessment scientists can try to get a sneak preview of what recruitment in a given year will look like. Otherwise, stock assessment scientists have to wait several years for these fish to mature to adulthood and then be caught by fishermen (or fishery independent fish surveys) to know how many survived (isn’t it weird that fish have to be caught for scientists to know that they lived? Some groups are working on using remotely operated vehicles and other camera systems to get non-destructive estimates of fish abundance).

I am on this cruise to help sort fishes and will be using juvenile rockfishes collected in the cruise as part of my PhD research. My work aims to give us a better understanding of how environmental conditions (water temperature, food availability, and patterns of water movement) affect survival of the young life stages of rockfish.


Sea-date 1 :

Today I boarded the NOAA Research Vessel Reuben Lasker. To get to the ship was quite a trip. I drove from Newport, OR to Eureka, CA where I met up with another NOAA scientist, Paul Chittaro, who was going on the cruise. Paul and I have been on several research cruises together and are pumped for this cruise.

To get to the ship, we had to get picked up at the docks of the Eureka Harbor on a small skiff and cruise out to meet the Lasker. Every other time I’ve been on a research cruise, I’ve met the vessel at the dock, but this year to save time (it takes a full day to bring a large vessel into a port to load and offload passengers) the ship’s commanding officer decided to do an at sea transfer.
The weather and sea conditions were pretty exciting. The waves crossing the bar at the mouth of the harbor were a good 6-10 feet tall and outside the harbor the seas had been whipped up by some storm winds creating crisscrossing swells.

Approaching the RV Lasker from their transfer skiff. Photo: Will Fennie

This made an already exciting boat ride almost too exciting when we got picked up by the Lasker. The Lasker has a device much like a claw that slides down the side of the ship to pick up its skiff. Our boat driver had to maneuver the skiff alongside the Lasker and hold it in position, in choppy seas, so the ship’s claw could grab the skiff and pull it onboard. I am having trouble describing how weird it felt to be in a boat, lifted out of the water, and land on a larger ship, but anyway I’m on board and ready to start catching fishes.

Unfortunately the weather off Eureka wasn’t conducive to sampling, so the chief scientist decided to steam up to Newport Oregon where the weather was better. My first day aboard consisted of eating, and trying to adjust my sleep schedule over to the night shift. Juvenile fishes spend the daytime in deep water and come closer to the surface at night to feed. It is much easier to collect juvenile fish at nighttime because they are concentrated near layers of zooplankton (tiny planktonic animals) that they feed on, so all my work occurs from 9pm to 6am. “Adjusting” my sleep schedule to get used to the night shift really means that I spent most of the first day trying to sleep in my bunk and battling nausea.


Sea-date 2:


Bucket o’ pyrosomes. We had to rinse the pyrosomes in seawater to clean off any fish or other important organisms from the pyrosomes to figure out what else was in the water. Photo: Will Fennie

We arrived on station just south of Newport this afternoon and began our first night of sampling. Our sampling plan is to run transects of midwater trawls at specific location along Oregon’s coast. We starting sampling our shallow depth/nearshore stations at the beginning of the night, and move offshore to
deeper water as the night progresses. The idea is to get a long-term view of fish communities and see how they vary with distance from shore (bottom depth) and latitude. We use a mid-water trawl to get density estimates of fish and other organisms.
There is pretty high variability in the abundance and composition of our catches from year to year, but this year is pretty weird. Normally we catch lots of juvenile rockfishes (yellowtail, widow, shortbelly,

Sorting fish and krill from the pyrosomes. Looks like we caught some myctophids (lantern fish) and a king of the salmon (the long, skinny, red and silvery fish in the bottom right).

canary, dark blotched, bocaccio, blue, and black rockfishes), Pacific hake, several species of lantern fish, quite a few species of larval flat fishes, and some adult anchovy.
Tonight we mainly caught gelatinous zooplankton and in particular colonial tunicates called pyrosomes. Pyrosomes are typically found in more tropical waters, but with the warm blob in 2015 and the el Niño of 2016, waters off Oregon have been unusually warm and many tropical species are showing up far north or their normal ranges. While pyrosomes are pretty cool to see in the water, they are bioluminescent, they are a real bummer to sort through and have almost broken are net!


Sea-date 3:


We sampled off of the Columbia River mouth tonight. This is an interesting place because there is a huge source of freshwater that dramatically affects the oceanographic conditions for hundreds of miles. Freshwater is much less dense than salt water, so it sits on top of it (think oil and water, but less dense water and denser water…). As the Columbia River empties into the Pacific Ocean it punches through the surrounding saltwater creating a wedge in the ocean. Oceanic water moving towards shore smashes into this freshwater wedge and sinks beneath it (like a tectonic subduction zone). This concentrates plankton at the interface between these two types of water, which attracts zooplankton, then juvenile fishes, then larger fishes and birds, then marine mammals and so on. The marine mammal and bird observer on the ship said he saw more birds in that area than he has seen almost anywhere else (this observer has been on research cruises for 30+ years all around the globe).

This is Paul who is pumped for our huge catch of pyrosomes. We lost a little enthusiasm when we learned that this catch had ripped the net. (Photo: Will Fennie)

Last year we caught hundreds of rockfishes along this transect, so I was very excited to see what we caught this year. Unfortunately for me, our nearshore station was dominated by adult anchovies, many of which were pregnant females, and there were very few rockfishes. Our second station was so full of pyrosomes that it ripped the net (see attached image of our net almost bursting with pyrosomes). We cancelled our furthest offshore station because we were afraid that we wouldn’t get any fish and needed time to repair the net.


Sea-date 4


Tonight we sampled off the Tillamook line. We had decent rockfish catches here last year, but like the Columbia River line, pyrosomes dominated this year’s catch. I am starting to get sick of wading through buckets of those things. However, we did collect several rockfishes. I wasn’t quick enough to take a picture of them, but we caught a couple of species: yellowtail rockfish (S. flavidus), shortbelly (Sebastes jordani), bocaccio (S. paucispinis), canary (S. pinniger), and widow rockfish (S. entomelas). At least this cruise is starting to live up to its name (Rockfish Pre-Recruit Survey)!


Sea-date 5


Tonight was our last night of fishing. We managed to catch quite a few rockfishes! We didn’t collect nearly as many as I was hoping, but certainly better than catching zero. I also saw a salmon shark while we were collecting larval fishes (click the link to
view, sorry it isn’t the best quality video!):

While we didn’t catch as many rockfish as I hoped for, we still
found some, and it made the cruise worthwhile. I am looking forward to planning the next steps in my research which involve free diving and SCUBA diving to collect juvenile rockfishes that have moved from their offshore life stage (the one being sampled in this cruise) to their nearshore benthic stage where they grow up to become the adults that everyone loves to fish for.



The tales we tell…

Stories are a near universal aspect of human existence. They define who we are as a people, illustrate the values we hold as individuals, and provide a common medium by which to communicate the shared human experience. The more that I delve into my work and examine myself, the more I realize how integral storytelling is. On any given day, any single aspect of my work can ultimately be related back to some form of narrative, whether that is looking for a shared narrative or spinning some of my own novel yarns.

One way that we use stories is to connect the public, or some subset of it, to the places, resources, and activities that the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) manages on their behalf. By invoking imagery, cultural values, and common experiences associated with the resources that we manage, we are able to better communicate the results of our stewardship and inform the public.

A great example of this is the outreach and education materials that the Marine Reserves Program produces.You can check out some of their work on their website. Some of this material describes the structure of the program or the status of recent monitoring trips while others communicate issues of concern, like Ocean Acidification (OA). They have produced a wonderful the wonderful video below where you can learn about what causes it and how it relates to the Oregon coast and see many of the great people that I work with.


Sometimes the stories we tell are not to convey new information but demonstrate involvement and commitment to an issue. This last week, Cat Dayger and I have been editing press releases describing the work of the Ocean Acidification Alliance (alliance). The alliance is the nonprofit we helped launch to elevate OA on the international stage. The press releases are intended to highlight the West Coast regional efforts to address OA in light of the alliance attending the Ocean Conference hosted by the United Nations in New York this upcoming week.

The alliance, as well as California, Oregon, and Washington, are all making voluntary commitments towards Sustainable Development Goal 14.3 to continue their work on global ocean change and OA. The narrative here was not to tell a new story about OA but to keep the spotlight on the issue and communicate that work is underway to understand and address it. Sometimes the issues or status of a topic can be more effectively told not with words or other traditional media but through other means…

Everyone has heard the adage that “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Most people, however, don’t usually bring charts, tables, or maps to mind when they hear this phrase, let alone matrices or databases. But data is essentially the building block, or base-unit, that scientists work with. Every dataset has a story that it can tell and part of what scientists do is to use visual, mathematical, and statistical tools to piece together the plot points of a dataset’s story, identify its main characters, and expose the details hidden beneath the surface.

During my time with ODFW, I have been hard at work creating an interactive toolset to illustrate the story behind  the Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia (OAH) Monitoring Inventory which is one of the main projects I work on. The OAH Monitoring Inventory is a catalog of monitoring assets (buoys, moorings, sensors, etc.) and research projects related to OAH that helps determine where OAH is already being monitored and where it needs to be monitored more. This is very similar to the inventory a restaurant manager takes at the end of a week before ordering more supplies. However, before we can decide where to place new instruments, we must understand the “lay of the land,” as it were, by identifying where assets are located, what they are collecting, and how long have they been there. These are are just a handful of the 70+ odd bits of descriptive information that were recorded. To communicate the complexities of this in a typical narrative would be almost certainly lose some of the finer details of the inventory’s story. Unfortunately, this interactive web app still needs some refining but I hope to be able to share it soon.

Storytelling is an innate practice permeating nearly every facet of our lives. When we are at home playing a game, reading a book, or watching netflix we are ‘listening’ to the tales presented before us. Moving out into the real world to telling stories with friends around a bonfire, tall tales on social media, or drafting a press release we move from consuming to weaving our own tapestries. Framing and polishing a narrative to reflect either how we want to be perceived or best fits the situational context. Medium is yet another facet that can change the experience. Some elements of a story will be more apparent in one format and lost via another. When watching a movie of a popular book your favorite character can take on an entirely new light due to how they are portrayed. With technical information this is no less true. The takeaways one has looking at a table of values will be far different than those represented on a map or plotted in a chart. All of these differences demonstrate how deeply saturated we are in stories and how they color our perceptions and, in turn, our own personal narratives.

I look forward to the opportunity to continue to ‘tell my tales’ here to you and to the audience of my professional work.

Keeping Busy During Winter

Winter time in Oregon makes doing any field work along the coast dicey, so most marine scientists find other ways to keep busy. For many of us that means getting to work analyzing the past year’s field work data, and even writing up research findings. While publishing your research is critically important to getting through a graduate degree in science, Sea Grant has helped me realize how important it is to communicate your work to a wider audience. Outside of your field, few people will hear about your research if you only communicate it through scientific journals. However, if you step out of the science bubble and engage in scientific outreach with a broader audience, you can reach far more people and it can be an absolute blast. Over the past couple of months I’ve volunteered to communicate science to third – fifth graders through Oregon State University ‘s (OSU) Winter Wonderings program, to anyone who was willing to listen at Hatfield Marine Science Center’s Marine Science Day, and I’ve just completed training to be an interpretive diver for the Oregon Coast Aquarium this summer.

Winter Wonderings 2017

Last winter I participated in Winter Wonderings with another OSU graduate student to teach young students about chemical reactions. We had a blast doing a demonstration of how enzymes can speed up reactions, culminating in colorful foam blasting out of two liter soda bottles. The young students loved it, but this year, my friend Jack and I wanted to teach something a little closer to home. We drew on our own research to provide a marine science extravaganza. Jack studies anemone-algal symbiosis and taught about how anemones use stinging cells to capture prey as well as hosting photosynthetic microalgae to provide another source of food. I devised a lesson plan to talk about fisheries science and how fish otoliths (ear stones) can be used much like tree rings to age fish and provide valuable information on fish populations change over time.

Teaching winter wonderings students that everything thinks rockfish are delicious. Photo by Jack Koch

Showing young scientists how to read rockfish otoliths to determine a rockfish’s age. Photo by Jack Koch.

Both our lessons involved getting the students to use microscopes, which we were a little worried about at first. Fortunately, the students loved it and were transfixed by watching anemone stinging cells fire and absorbed in counting rings in adult black rockfish otoliths. This outreach experience was incredibly rewarding and inspiring. Seeing how curious 8-10 olds are and their enthusiasm for learning reminded me of how much I loved hands on experiences like this and has motivated me to seek more outreach opportunities.

Marine Science Day and SMURFs

Training new SMURF recruits in proper collection techniques. You can see the SMURF (the cylinder of green and black garden fence mesh) in the bottom right corner. Photo by Dr. Su Sponaugle.

Each year Hatfield Marine Science Center opens its doors to the public for Marine Science Day. All the labs put on demonstrations of their work to show visitors what it is we do at Hatfield. This event is a great opportunity to speak to a variety of people about your work. My lab focuses on the early life history of fishes and has some really high-tech equipment to image larval fish in the ocean. My research focuses on slightly later life stages and uses some lower tech, but better named equipment. To collect juvenile rockfishes as they make the transition from their pelagic larval phase to their benthic juvenile and adult phase, OSU and Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife deploy standard monitoring units for the recruitment of fishes (SMURFs). I used a combination of a prop SMURF and some video to train visitors in collecting juvenile fishes as part of my research. Everyone from five-year olds, who could barely hold the net we use to collect SMURFs, to the grandparents who brought them enjoyed learning about juvenile fishes and pretending to collect them.


Volunteer Diving at the Oregon Coast Aquarium

While most people cannot join me to collect SMURFs this summer, I wanted to give people a feel for what it is like to be in the water with rockfishes. I began volunteer diving at the Oregon Coast Aquarium a few months ago. Most of my duties include cleaning acrylic and vacuuming exhibits. However, I dive on Saturday mornings and get to interact with visitors as they pass through the tunnels in the passages of the deep. I am thrilled every time I give a visitor a high-five or a fist bump through the glass separating them from the water. Never before in my life have I felt like such a celebrity for cleaning, but I really want to talk to guests while diving. This summer the Aquarium has a program where divers use special masks with microphones to talk directly to guests. I’ve just completed training to use this equipment and am ecstatic about the opportunity to share my diving experience with the public. I’ll be talking with aquarium visitors every third Saturday this summer starting June 17th.

Coming Up

The weather is transitioning to typical spring and summer patterns which means I am starting up field work soon!. I leave tomorrow for a NOAA research cruise that kicks of my field season. Stay tuned for updates on rockfish collections aboard the NOAA research vessel Reuben Lasker and future SMURF adventures.


New cohort of Summer Scholars arrive in June!

Oregon Sea Grant is excited to welcome our ten outstanding Summer Scholars this coming June! After receiving a record high of 152 applicants, the Oregon Sea Grant review committee went through a thorough process to select ten truly remarkable undergraduates. The Scholars will be working on a variety of social and natural science projects from monitoring the invasive green crab to assessing market prices of experiential tourism to communicating marine reserves research to the public. We are excited to be partnering with a fantastic crew of hosts including the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Environmental Protection Agency, South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve, Department of Land Conservation and Development, Wild Rivers Coast Alliance, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Oregon Sea Grant. The Scholars will be frequently posting on the blog about their work and experience on the Oregon coast throughout the summer, so remember to check back in! More information about the Scholars, including their placements, will be posted on our Meet the Scholars webpage in the coming weeks.

Science and Art: A Natural Connection

Blog post #3

Science and Art: A Natural Connection

In lieu of a strictly science post, I wanted to talk about a passion of mine that is as important to science as it is to my person. It is something I fall back on during challenging moments in grad school. It is something I utilize when I am at my most confused, most stressed, and most happy. It is something I use to help myself, as well as other scientists and my fellow person. It is a critical facet to every field of science that is often overlooked in books, museums, posters, and classrooms. I am talking about my favorite scientific tool: visual ART.

When I define art as a “scientific tool”, I am not referring to a lab instrument like a scale or pipette. Nor am I referring to visual imagery for data analysis, such as graphs (although these do indeed communicate science to an audience!). Rather, I am referring to the role of visual art as a universal translator for the often complex nature of science.

The old adage “one picture is worth a thousand words” is extremely apt in this case. The ultimate goal of science is to better understand the world around us and communicate this understanding, but science is often perceived as “difficult” due to its multifaceted nature. Science can break down the simplest parts of life into insanely complicated individual components and overwhelm the reader with numbers and information. This complexity has built a stigma around the sciences that the public often references (we are all guilty of assuming the “scientist = smart” stereotype). The “other worldy” aura surrounding science, which is often perpetuated by unaware or high-flown scientists, has prevented many capable individuals from learning science for themselves. This can ultimately lead to abuse of knowledge or misinformation. Only by dispelling the stigma we have built around the sciences can we unite humans under a common objective knowledge that will improve the state of our lives and our planet.

Politics and personal opinion are the usual suspects to blame for scientific communication breakdown, but I argue that over-complexity is just as problematic. Think about it: how can you learn and apply new knowledge in, for instance, fisheries stock assessment if you don’t know anything about basic statistics or basic fishery principles? The experienced statistician may fully understand the definition of a regression, but he may not know anything about fish ecology. Likewise, the experienced fisherman with extensive fish knowledge may not know anything about the statistics underlying the fish population. What’s more, a person who is neither a statistician nor a fisherman may not trust, learn, or even care about new knowledge in such a field (and rightfully so, if they are not properly informed).The problem boils down to one question: How can you communicate a complicated topic to a wide audience?

Herein lies the rub. If I want to apply this conundrum to my current research, I face the challenge of communicating chemical concepts that may be very familiar to chemists, such as microscopic compounds in the environment and mass spectrometry techniques, but wildly foreign to everyone else. Posing the above question to myself: how can I communicate the complicated topic of chemical environmental contaminants to a wide audience?

Now, I am speaking from experience here. When I started this chemistry-based project, I was a marine biologist, pure and simple. My background was the macroscopic – small invertebrates, large fish, and the ecology of lake and ocean systems that supported these organisms. When I embarked on a project that characterized a chemical compound at least 5000x as small as the smallest creature I had studied, I found myself faced with a wall of seemingly insurmountable chemical knowledge. I had to spend months just reading about chromatography and mass spectrometry to scratch the surface of a topic that I could have learned much faster if given a straightforward learning aid.

This is where visual art fits into science. Visual art is a wonderful way of bringing science to a large audience since it presents intimidating information in a comfortable, simplified, and easy-to-digest format. Pictures have a way of simplifying complex topics into a cohesive image that our brains can assimilate. Of course, the image cannot convey all the details, but it provides a comfortable foundation for learning and a fantastic way of getting the “take home” message of convoluted data. Anyone can become intrigued by an interesting image since it captures the eye and engages the brain. In my experience, children are also much more likely to pay attention if given an exciting visual aid.

The principle of learning science through visual stimulation goes both ways for the artist and the viewer. Along with many students, I learn better if I draw an image of something I am learning. I have drawn illustrations for other scientists’ research projects that I know very little about, and ended up consuming a plethora of information about a niche field that I would not have learned otherwise. The act of moving my hands and engaging my brain to make a visual representation of the topic I am learning reaffirms what I know and enlightens me on what I do not know.

Personally, graphite and ink drawings are my medium of choice for learning and communicating complicated scientific topics. I have used my art to show specific biological structure, biochemical pathways, or biomechanical dimensions, and to convey general concepts in single images (e.g. neuroscience engineering, chemicals in the environment, etc.). I have even used art as a social tool in the lab to generate a sense of community between individuals (what can I say? People love to talk about a new picture!). Art is my go-to tool for working and learning effectively. Think of the potential for art to bring awareness to important complicated topics that would otherwise be misunderstood or brushed aside in the wake of confusion! Art has the ability to connect all of us as humans under a common framework of understanding.


So, next time you are at an art museum, or even just staring at the pictures on the walls of your favorite coffee shop, keep in mind that the same underlying skill that was used to paint, draw, sculpt, or craft aesthetic works is also the key to understanding art’s seemingly antithetic friend, science.