All good things must come to an end :(

So these last few weeks have been pretty busy. It was a little hectic trying to finish my poster while doing field work but it all came together in the end. This time around I didn’t have to digest any shrimp so it was nice to help out with the other projects going on in the field. I was very nervous for the poster session and the lightning talk but I think everyone did a great job. Overall I think it went really well and was definitely a learning experience. It was also nice to get feedback from the scientists at HMSC.

I’ve really enjoyed all the food that I’ve eaten in Washington and Oregon and I think I’ll really miss it when I go home. Last week we walked to Chalet and I had the most amazing strawberry pancakes. I was in a serious food coma afterwards but it was so worth it.

I’ll really miss Oregon and HMSC but I’m so grateful for the experience that I’ve had here and I’ll for sure never forget it. I’ll be sure to keep in touch and hopefully cross paths with you guys again!

One thought on “All good things must come to an end :(

  1. Naomi, you did a fantastic job with your talk, answering questions, and presenting your poster! I couldn’t resist uploading this great photo of you talking about your nematode digestions :) I’m so glad that you’ve had a great experience at Oregon Sea Grant, and I can wait to hear more about your adventures with cartilaginous fish in graduate school. Best wishes!

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