Early August I had to start working on my film that would be put on the South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve YouTube channel. I had 2 video ideas that I wanted to to make so I spent some time with Shon Schooler documenting the SSNERR Green Grab and Ian Rogers eDNA project. When documenting the Green Crab project I filmed the team setting traps, collect traps, and marking green crab data entries. I also conducted 2 interviews Shon Schooler and Green crab expert Sylvia B. Yamada who wrote the book “Global Invader: The European Green Crab”. It was truly a fun experience! Later on I shot eDNA project with Ian Rodger collecting samples, discussing protocols, and doing an interview. Both of these topics were really interesting to shadow and film really giving me an true view of the SSNERR projects here.

Fast forward on August 16, 2019 we had our final symposium where each fellow discussed what and how project was for this entire summer. It was really amazing to see all the hard work that each fellow did over the summer and how happy they seem to have learned from their mentors. It is a very bittersweet ending to this fellowship! I hope everyone had a wonderful time and hopefully will be able to see each other in the future… an OSG Alumni Meetup *cough-cough*