DLCD Month #1

What a whirlwind of month!  Things have been very busy with exciting new personal and professional experiences!  From crab fishing to preparing for the first Territorial Sea Plan Rocky Shores working group meeting.  Traveling with the Coastal Program has been eye opening.  Even though I have been in Oregon for 2 years, there is still so much to learn about marine policy.  It has really made me appreciate the work that the coastal program does.

In preparation for the first TSPRS Working Group Andy put me to work on the OregonOcean.info website as well as the Citizens Guide to the Amendment Process and a needs survey.  Since, the website has been published along with the document.  Check it out at the link above!

We have also been traveling a bunch for different conferences spanning from Portland to Florence with many more to come!

Week 1 – OWET Conference in Portland.  Pictured is a marine cable cross section.


Week 2 (I think) – Coastal Staff Meeting in Newport, OR.  We also walked the evacuation route and tried to figure out how many fellows/past fellows we could fit in a photo!


Week 2 – My dogter, Timber, Mananita State Park after my first morning crabbing!


Week 4 – Florence Oregon for the Symposium by the Sea Conference

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About Deanna

Assignment: Deanna is currently working with the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) to facilitate the update of the Oregon State Rocky Shores Management Strategy. This strategy is a subsection of the Territorial Sea Plan that is responsible for the management of rocky area resources along the Oregon Coast. During this process, she is working with a multitude of agency, government, and private stakeholders that have a vested interest in coastal resources. Additionally, Deanna is responsible for assuring transparency and active engagement of this process with the public. Education: Deanna completed a B.S. in Environmental Sciences from the State University of New York at Oneonta in 2014 where she focused on aquatic invasive species research. She recently completed her M.S. in Marine Resource Management from Oregon State University where she researched community resilience in relation to the commercial fishing industry.

2 thoughts on “DLCD Month #1

  1. Glad to hear you are getting a wide variety experiences in your first month. I especially love the picture of your “dogter.” I am looking forward to hearing all about what you learn about marine policy in Oregon over the course of the fellowship.

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