Well I am extremely late on posting this but here’s a bit about my past two weekends, both which turned out to be a couple of the summer’s best so far. My experience with two professional photographers happened on that first weekend, July 13-16, while the second weekend (July 20-23) was highlighted by the Mid-Summer Camping trip.
Friday morning (7/14) started early at 4:45am. Catie and I drove down to Secret Beach in Brookings and met up with Dave Lacey of South Coast Tours LLC where we were joined by Holly and Scott, two experienced paddleboarders and soon to get some experience in modeling, and later Justin and Erik. Justin and Erik arrived later than anticipated because the lighting wasn’t as great as they had hoped (it was extremely foggy). They rolled up fashionably late in their fancy SUV, drinking their fancy Dutch Bros Coffee. They were obviously hot shot professionals. Well, it turns out these hot shot professionals were some of the nicest, coolest people you could find in Oregon. Erik was a big, bearded, refreshingly sarcastic whale-lover who’s casualness about his life made for great conversation and even greater stories. Justin was a very tall, very young-looking father who just fit the role of the quintessential photographer. I could tell his role as a father was imbedded in his identity when he told me that I made him nervous when I got too close to the cliff edge. Both men were funny, kind, and patient, and they both answered the disgustingly numerous questions I had for them about photography. They definitely made the weekend special, that’s for sure. Anyways, after a respectfully reserved introduction not typical of myself, we stood around discussing possible options due to the poor lighting. The conversation was casual and light-hearted, and I remember laughing a fair amount despite the lack of sleep and caffeine. We ended up deciding that paddle-boarding was still an option so we made the trek down to Secret Beach, which I should mention is soooo much easier going down than up. At the beach, Holly, Justin, Dave, and Justin hopped on the paddleboards while Catie and myself stayed around shooting on the shore with Erik. I can’t remember much about those conversations or what we did exactly but I remember feeling content – it was the earliest morning I’d had since coming to Oregon and I was spending it on this peacefully eerie foggy beach with a friend and a stranger, just taking photos. Only thing that could’ve made it better would have been a cup of coffee in my hand, but hey I was chill without it.

Morning Paddle-boarding at Secret Beach
After the beach shoot, we all were starving so we headed to a place to get brunch. Lemme tell you, brunch was a BLESSING. It is rare for me to finish everything off my plate but I did not leave a single thing on my plate (okay I left a piece of toast but that doesn’t really count). It was just nice to have a cup of coffee, a hot plate, and a good amount of laughs with all these chill new friends. Even though I was slowed down with all this food in me, the day did not slow down. Immediately, we drove inland to the Chetco River in hopes of clearer skies (we were successful!). We got to a place called Elephant Rock right on the river and there we cliff jumped into the perfectly temped water while Erik and Justin constantly snapped photos. After that we finally got a bit of a break while Erik and Justin headed back to their hotel to download their photos so Catie and I headed to the beach. While I took a nap underneath the still grey sky Catie walked around taking photos of birds. Guys, I was pooped. Like seriously so damn tired. I was the driver that day and after an early start, late coffee, a fat meal, and cliff jumping I was ready to rest eternally in Nap Heaven. And let me tell you, that was one of the best naps I’ve had in a loooong minute. Not only was I dreaming and hallucinating like crazy but when I woke up an hour later the sky was completely sunny! It was a night and day difference from when my eyes closed and when they opened, and it was a sight for sure. The sun was blazing down, people were walking up and down the beach, and the birds were flying about, enjoying themselves as they dipped in and out of the water. Nothing else to say except that it was beautifully perfect.

Elephant Rock on the Chetco River
After checking out the dead Harbor Seal, Catie and I met up with the gang and we walked along the pier, checking out a restaurant or two, while Erik and Justin’s shutters sound all the while. During that time, we went to a restaurant/bar called Fat Irish where the beer is poured from the bottom of the glass. I couldn’t explain really how it’s done but it’s unique because this pouring method uses more of the beer within the keg than a standard pour method to a substantially significant percentage. Well, with that information we all had to have a beer (strictly for photography purposes of course). I got this beer called the Shark Bite and it was cider with Guinness. Dankness confirmed. After that Erik and Justin needed to break for dinner so we separated again. Dave, Catie, and I went back to Fat Irish and ate together. It was real nice to connect with these two individuals over cold beer and hot Rueben’s. I guess now’s as good a time as any to give a shoutout to Dave for being so hospitable and friendly and fun to Catie and I. Seriously without him this weekend would not have been as cheap, as enjoyable, let alone possible. So, Catie and I dipped out after dinner and we had about a half hour or so to kill before we had to meet up with Erik and Justin again so what do we do? Visit California, of course! Yup, we mobbed down that 101 and gave a quick “What’s good!” to the best place in the world (I’m sorry y’all but it’s true and we all know it). It was a weird mix of satisfaction and disappointment at knowing that I was the closest to home, family, and friends than I’d been in four weeks and that I wouldn’t be that close again for another six weeks.

*Welcome Home
Well Catie and I hoped back in the whip and we met up with Erik and Justin at Samuel Boardman State Park. On that cliff we all enjoyed the setting of the sun whilst snapping photos. But once the sun started making it’s way over the horizon everyone stopped taking photos. We all just stood there and stared silently. That’s the thing about sunsets, they’re religious. You’ve gotta be respectful of it. Well, the “work” day was all but done now that the light was gone so we said bye to Justin and Erik and made our way back up to Port Orford to start the process over again the next day….
Well, I’ve rambled on plenty about the sweet stuff I experienced in just one day and I’m extremely blessed to say there have been many like that in the past two weekends so instead of writing novels for all these other dope days and decimating the number of followers of this blog I’m just going to write three bullet point highlights for each day. Hope this little teaser will be enough to provide some context as to what the overall vibe and take away was for the day.

Photographers Justin, Erik, and myself
Thursday 7/13 (day before this Friday)
- Did a morning run on the Battle Rock beach. Even took a couple of dips in the cold water.
- Walked around town checking out shops. Bought my new favorite jacket for $3.50 and met a toothless 15 year old kitty named Olivia.
- Hiked Humbug Mountain State Park with Catie and a photographer named Rowland and his wife Christie. Lovely people.

Catie, Rowland, and myself

sweet ole Olivia
Saturday 7/15
- Paddle-boarded twice: Hunter Creek in the morning and Secret Beach in the evening. I went traversed a cave in a sea stack!
- Climbed to a lowkey precarious rock to get a great view of Harris Beach State Park.
- Drank a brew during a lil fishing escapade.
Thursday 7/20
- Checked out Newport’s Bayfront with Julia and Catie. Super cute but where’s the wifi at?
- Took a WONDERFUL 2 hour nap
- Joined the North Coast Scholars and the REU’s for a bonfire on South Beach to send off a chill dude named Brady. Rode to and from the beach on the back of his pick up truck. It was special for sure.
Friday 7/21
- Woke up early and did a yoga class with the K(C)atie’s and Julia, followed by a grandiose breakfast at PigNPancake.
- Spent some much needed quality time with the other Scholars around the campfire.
- Tried to go herping in the creek that night but I didn’t find any herps, just some big slugs, a sweet white moth, some odonata nymphs, crawdads, some petable fish, and soaked clothes.
Saturday 7/22
- Cliff jumped into Tamolitch Blue Pool.
- Checked out an awesome waterfall whose name I can’t remember.
- Played Knock You Down by Keri Hilson in the car. It was lit.
Just the name ‘Secret Beach’ has me wanting to go there so badly! it sounds like you’ve been cliff jumping every weekend for the past few weekends, yet somehow the water inland (Tamolitch) was even colder than the Pacific Ocean. That whole day you described in this post taking photos, hanging with great people, eating good food (and drinking good beer), sounds absolutely amazing! I love when work days seem just like how you would spend a vacation day. Also, the waterfall we went to was Sahalie Falls.
I mean, they always say “if you do what you love, then it doesn’t seem like work”, and this post is the epitome of that statement. Your epic prose and fantastic photos are some of the best advertising for this program that we could get – glad you are enjoying your Oregon summer (even tho it’s not quite as cool as Cali…).