A hodgepodge of plants, photographs, and shout-outs.

MOVE OVER, sword fern. I have a new favorite vascular flowerless specimen: Adiantum pedatum, or the northern maiden hair fern. These babies are moisture loving, deciduous ferns that favor nutrient rich soils and are honestly so cool. I first noticed its unique circular configuration while hiking on a small, conical shaped island in Japan called Yakushima. (For all those Miyazaki fans out there, the magical forest in Princess Mononoke was inspired by this very place). I thought it was the most exotic plant I had ever laid eyes on, and yet, it grows right here in our Oregonian backyard! Of course. I’m telling you – this is a special place in which I have found myself.

A personal project I am planning on completing over the summer is a series of illustrations of the plants I have encountered during my time here. You know the classic, stately illustrations of birds you see in those Sibley field guides and all the botanical masterpieces of Alexander Von Humboldt (my all time favorite naturalist) from his exploration of the Americas? Such an artistic representation of science, biology, life, and color deeply resonates with me, and studying something by recreating it through art is the most enriching learning experience. I hope to also use these illustrations as part of the interpretive guides Miles and I will be creating and distributing to tour operators across southern coastal Oregon in order to encourage the ‘experiential’ aspect of tourism that I discussed in my first post. To start, I’ve taken a few photos of some to which I will reference when I start drawing next week. As part of the development of tourism throughout the South Coast that both Dustin and I’s projects are contributing to, we will be staying at the Port Orford Field Station for a few days next week, during which we will be adventuring with professional landscape photographers from Portland by day and (I will be) drawing overly detailed pictures of plants by night. (Shout-out to Amazon and the postal service – ya’ll are the real MVPs for shipping my Portra 400 film on time). Here are a few samples of the plant photographs so far.





  1. Maidenhair fern
  2. I’m sorry to say I haven’t been able to figure this one out. (But shout-out to Norma at the Extension office in Myrtle Point for the shrub and tree field guides of Southwestern Oregon – I’ll get on this right away…)
  3. Y’all better know this one already.


In other news, Fourth of July is my favorite holiday and this year’s was one for the books. I began the day by waking up at 4am. Now, before you ask yourself, “Why in the world would you get up so early on a holiday,” let me just show you this…


and this…


Need I say more?

This is Face Rock State Scenic Viewpoint in Bandon, OR. Probably one of the more gorgeous places I have been (and will have been) in my lifetime. I believe I saw two other people the entire time I was there. There is nothing like enjoying the solitude and wildness of a place like this to celebrate the magnificent landscapes that saturate our country. Happy Birthday America, you are a dime and a half!

Here’s me, enjoying being up so early thanks to momma nature. (Shout-out to the Broncos).


After this adventure, I returned home for the most restful nap and then savored some patriotic grilling with Dustin, Katie (fellow scholar), and her friends from the OIMB. Later that evening we all enjoyed a bonfire and firework show that lasted for the better part of three hours at Bastendorff Beach. Let me tell you, non-sanctioned firework shows are THE BEES KNEES. I thought the finale was happening more than a handful of times and the show extended to both ends of the beach. The best part is, the Surfrider Foundation led a beach clean-up there the next day to ensure that the previous night’s shenanigans weren’t at the expense of the beach’s health.

After the fantastic trips to the beach on the 4th, I was itching for an equally fulfilling forest adventure. I set out for the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest yesterday and got to see the Coquille River Falls in all its gloriousness. Blurry photo, but WHAT MAGIC. (Shout-out to my tripod for being a pal and not falling into the water).

coquille falls

With a few hours left of this weekend, I am off to check out Hanging Rock.



2 thoughts on “A hodgepodge of plants, photographs, and shout-outs.

  1. Your photos are breathtaking! They’re making me see the south coast in a whole new light (both literally and figuratively). I’m impressed with your commitment by waking up so early and enjoying some time on the beach with those two other early risers. I’m looking forward to seeing your drawings of the plants, I’m sure they will be as magical as your photos.

  2. Beautiful photos, Catie! Looks like you are having a wonderful time and learning a lot! Thanks for linking me to the Blog–hope to read more soon.

    Some great topics for an Object Speech, too! ;)

    Take care and hope to catch up in person soon!

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