New cohort of Summer Scholars arrive in June!

Oregon Sea Grant is excited to welcome our ten outstanding Summer Scholars this coming June! After receiving a record high of 152 applicants, the Oregon Sea Grant review committee went through a thorough process to select ten truly remarkable undergraduates. The Scholars will be working on a variety of social and natural science projects from monitoring the invasive green crab to assessing market prices of experiential tourism to communicating marine reserves research to the public. We are excited to be partnering with a fantastic crew of hosts including the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Environmental Protection Agency, South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve, Department of Land Conservation and Development, Wild Rivers Coast Alliance, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Oregon Sea Grant. The Scholars will be frequently posting on the blog about their work and experience on the Oregon coast throughout the summer, so remember to check back in! More information about the Scholars, including their placements, will be posted on our Meet the Scholars webpage in the coming weeks.

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