Week 5 (with a dash of Week 6 and a hint of Week 7)

Hello again, friends. Sorry I’m a smidge behind on the posting, but I promise to get you all caught up soon. With this workweek almost complete, there are only three weeks left in the program…and I have even slightly less time left. Our presentations are about two weeks away, and I fly home the following Thursday so I can spend a couple days [frantically packing] at home before I rush back to start school the following Monday. I am saddened thinking about the end of the summer, but by the time I head home, it will have been ten weeks since I’ve seen my family and eight months since I’ve seen my roommates, friends, and beautiful college campus. So I am excited for this next “era” as well.

The weekend before last was probably one of the most eventful of the summer. We had our mid-summer check-in where we all gave short presentations about our projects and participated in a couple of workshops about communication. It was great to hear about what the other scholars are up to in a more formal way (rather than giving each other a one-sentence rundown while lying around our apartment in our pajamas).

One portion of the science communication workshop, given by Liz Cerny-Chipman, particularly caught my attention. I’ve included a picture of the slide below. It depicts the category and risk level of different types of scientific engagement.IMG_2815 (1)

Looking at this slide got me thinking about my place on this graph. I love to communicate with people – not in a constant, steady stream, but in a speech or report where I am able to provide important or useful information to a group. I love being the person to relay that information, whose job it is to both share knowledge (or make a convincing argument) and captivate an audience. I am not fantastic with children, and social media makes me nervous. The minute someone classifies something as “a challenge” or “high risk,” my desire to do it increases by about 1000%. Thinking about all of these characteristics, I can’t help but think that I might be right at home in the High Risk, Political Engagement Zone in the top right.

I’ll let you know in about ten years.

After the check-in, we went camping at Trout Creek campground (near the town of Sweet Home in the Willamette National Forest). I haven’t been camping since I stopped going to summer camp at 16, and I enjoyed myself immensely. Rare/cool experiences from the weekend include: swimming in 37-degree, crystal-clear water; hiking to Moraine Lake, located above the tree line on South Sister; and remembering what 80 degrees feels like.


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Crater Lake (!!!) happened this past weekend. More to come about that next post. Hope you all had wonderful weeks.

2 thoughts on “Week 5 (with a dash of Week 6 and a hint of Week 7)

  1. That’s so awesome to hear that you’re making some time for self-reflection and looking forward during this summer. Judging from your presentation at the mid-summer check in, you would be a great presenter in a high-risk/political type of situation.

  2. I agree with Haley – and really appreciate your willingness to take on high-risk science communication challenges. Keep it up!

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