Another “FIN”tastic Week

It’s already the end of week two and I can’t believe that next weekend is the fourth of July. I also can’t believe how tiring it is having a real job. I don’t think I have slept so soundly in my life. Even on the days where I’m not that mobile, I come home drained and starving for dinner. My coffee intake has increased even more than normal (which I did not think was possible), But all around I am really enjoying my work!

This week turned out to be more challenging and required a few more trips to the local coffee shop than normal. We started the week the same way we ended the last by scoring more videos and identifying fish species from the lander videos. It was oddly calming doing this Monday. I sat in the “video” cave to score while listening to classical music with Steve the video guy. I actually thoroughly enjoy scoring videos and wish I could do it a little more often than I have gotten to. It’s helped me to learn to identify many of the Oregon fish species, and now I know what to look for when trying to pick them out. It’s a fun process and can be nice in the mornings when you are still tired and need to just sit and relax for a bit. The rest of the week I worked with a lot of GIS. I have VERY little experience with it so I was a little intimidated when they first said they wanted me to use it. Much of the week was working with GIS and they are hoping that in the next couple weeks, I will be able to use it with the hook and line surveys that are used to monitor the marine reserves. It should be fun and I am looking forward to gaining a useful skill.

Another survey used is SMURFing (not the little blue men). This is an acronym for this method  and unfortunately the full name is escaping my mind as I write this post… These are plastic nets that are used to collect fish larvae and measure recruitment in certain areas. They are collected every two weeks from locations within marine reserves and control areas off the Oregon Coast.  I am very excited because I am able to participate in setting SMURFS and collecting ones that have been set out already. This means I will be able to dress down in full wetsuit and jump in the ocean to retrieve them.  I am stoked to finally be doing field work. It is something to look forward to and I’m pumped to being using my snorkel gear this summer after all!

As for the weekend, the OSG scholars are taking Portland! So far we are planning to go to the Saturday market and hit up some of the food carts and then hiking on Sunday. It will be an action packed weekend that will consist of a lot of food, beer, the outdoors and fun! Hopefully I will snap some good pictures to post for next week. As for now, the bed is calling my name and I am going to answer. I hope to have some good stories for the following week. Until next time!

3 thoughts on “Another “FIN”tastic Week

  1. You have an excellent streak of fish puns going in your titles- can you keep it up the whole summer?
    FYI, SMURF= Standard Monitoring Unit for the Recruitment of Fishes (I believe; possibly something slightly different).
    Thanks for hosting some of the scholars and showing them Portland! That is probably an experience they wouldn’t have otherwise have been able to have.
    Are you going to participate in any analysis of the SMURF data, or just helping with the field portion?

  2. Haha that’s the plan! There can never be too many puns. And I don’t think I will be doing any of the analysis this summer. I am getting to do a lot of different things and its fun being able to see every side of the job

  3. It does sound like you are getting the full ODFW experience! Video cave to the field to GIS – I’m guessing that writing and some data analysis are not far behind…

    Do you have a favorite OR fish species yet?

    Can’t wait to see your photos in the next post!

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