Week Three

Happy belated fourth of July!  I hope you all enjoyed the holiday.
The other Hatfield residents and I spent a nice afternoon at Olalla Lake then barbequed back at the dorms.  In the evening we all watched fireworks over the bay.
I have exciting news to report from the office.  My first angler survey will be mailed out tomorrow!  The survey is being mail to boat owners, who in the past reported that they didn’t use a recompression device when releasing a yelloweyed or canary rockfish, the target species of my project.  I designed the survey to find out if any of the sport boat captains have begun using recompression devices since they were asked initially.  If they have begun using the device, I designed the survey to ask them what motivated them to begin using recompression devices and how they found out about them .  From this information I am hoping to glean information about what might motivate others to use the devices and also how news and information travels through the angling community.
I am excited to review the results, which should be in by the second week of August.  This information will help me select the right information and medium for each audience as well as how best to distribute my information.

2 thoughts on “Week Three

  1. Way to go, Chelsi. I am curious to know what the expected return is on the surveys. 10%? And how many surveys were mailed out.

    Keep up the great work. See you soon.

  2. I would also be curious in seeing the results of this survey. I’ve done some boater surveys in the past with Sea Grant and motivation factors are always interesting to read through. I’m wondering if boat owners who knew of other boat owners using the recompression device, would then feel more inclined to use the device themselves? Kind of looking at social norm theory…

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