2nd Quarter Report

 Are we really half way through 2013 already?  It is going too fast!

The SRGP recently got some love from the Oregon press.  Check it out:  http://www.albanytribune.com/10062013-tuality-hospital-receives-seismic-upgrade%E2%80%8F/

And, Congresswoman Bonamici is still working hard to free up some of the funding that is available for marine debris removal.  You can read about it here: http://www.oregonlive.com/politics/index.ssf/2013/06/help_for_tsunami_debris_cleanu.html

For more updates, check back throughout the summer.

This entry was posted in Geoff Ostrove, Natural Resources Policy Fellow by Geoff Ostrove. Bookmark the permalink.

About Geoff Ostrove

Geoff (MCRP, 2013, Community & Regional Planning; MS, 2012, Communication & Society, Univ. of Oregon; BA, 2010, Communication, Humboldt State Univ.) is a doctoral candidate in Media Studies at the University of Oregon. His primary focus is on integrating communication theory into the world of community planning and analyzing the political economic factors that influence our perception of land use and development. Geoff is currently working with the Oregon Infrastructure Finance Authority (IFA) through the Oregon Sea Grant's Natural Resources Policy Fellowship. His masters project for the Department of Planning, Public Policy, and Management (PPPM) focused on the need to acknowledge the polyrational nature of our communities in order to implement effective public engagement campaigns. Geoff was honored with the University of Oregon's 2013 Public Impact Award, as well as IAMCR's 2013 Urban Communication Research Grant. He was also named one of Humboldt State's Emerging Scholars in 2010. His wide range of research interests include: intercultural communication, religious studies, critical theory, political economy, rhetoric/public address, and urban planning & natural resource management.

One thought on “2nd Quarter Report

  1. Must be nice to see both sides of your OEM fellowship represented in the news! Keep up the great work, Geoff!

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