
Last week was a busy one. On Thursday I was finally able to start shooting footage for the videos and made a trip over to HSMC where I worked with an MRM grad student and three OSG scholars. Everyone was very generous with his/her time and I can’t express enough thanks to the scholars’ patience with the camera issues. When I realized the mic and camera were not compatible, Mark saved the day and I ended up shooting everything on a handi-cam. Probably not the most ideal choice, but given that I was an hour away from any equipment, it was definitely the best choice. After the camera snafu, the day picked up and I worked straight through until about 4 p.m. filming people in their work environments and interacting with other students and visitors.

Overall, I’m getting excited to see how all of the interviews will be connected. Everyone seems to enjoy the work they are doing and gave great answers during the interviews. Unfortunately, the only problem I see now is figuring out how to pare down all of the material into one three-minute video.

One thought on “B-roll

  1. Sounds fun, Lacey! The filming part and the day at the coast, that is. The distilling of footage to three minutes… that sounds like work! But I’m sure it’s all going to come together just fine.

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