Writing and Resumes

The highlight of this week was meeting with Robert Allan, the director of student development at CEOAS. (Some of you may remember him as the man who met with us briefly at Bombs Away during our orientation.) Robert is amazing. I first met with him the previous week for a brief professional development consultation. I had no idea what a professional development consultation was at the time, but I ended up learning quite a bit—hence, the second meeting.

During the meetings we discussed post-college options such as graduate school and employment. Robert had a lot of insight about where to find resources and information that I most likely otherwise would never have known. We also reviewed my resume and made some changes to the structure and vocabulary that I think will give it more of a “wow” factor and better represent the skills I have to offer. If you want to know about the science of resume writing, Robert is the man. While working with him, I quickly found that not only is he good at what he does—but he loves his job. Robert’s communication skills are terrific, which makes him easy to talk to, and his enthusiasm is contagious. I recommend that anyone who can make the time meet with him.

One thought on “Writing and Resumes

  1. I’m very glad you had the opportunity to take advantage of this expertise, and am sure it will help in future endeavors (plus what a great plug for Robert’s help!)

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