Let me tell you a bit about presenting

WEEK 3 and the VC is running about as smoothly as it possible could considering we are implementing a state of the art wave tank for the public.  Much of the week was spent brainstorming ways to create an erosion exhibit friendly to both children, adults, and grandparents.  The idea is that the public will create their own erodible beach and see how different structures on the beach are affected by waves.  We are playing around with miniature jetties, trees, dynamic revetment, etc.  It’s all pretty fun and nearly all of Tuesday was spent playing with sand and Legos.  Not to shabby of a day if you ask me.

Our new octopus, Aurora, was moved from the back to the front tank on Sunday.  Pearl was released because she laid a couple thousand eggs.  Normally octopuses stop feeding after the lay eggs but that wasn’t the case with Pearl.  The aquarist and the vet decided because she kept feeding she would still be a reproductively viable female in the wild.  Aurora spent much of Sunday exploring the much larger tank in the VC.  It was really fun to the curiosity get the best of her.  She was playing around with the anemones and quickly found out they sting.  Today the aquarist turned off the lights above the tank and put a shade on one side of the tank to give her a break from the public and allow her to acclimate to the environment.

The most interesting part of work right now is Ocean Quest, our 30 minute presentation on deep sea volcanism off the Oregon Coast.  The powerpoint has been a work in progress…first we have to learn about this stuff, then present it, and finally reevaluate to see what parts of effective and which are not.  We worked out a lot of the kinks with the initial powerpoint and now have one that is more relatable to people of all ages.  The most valuable lesson learned this week: know your presentation before you give it.

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