Hello from Newport, OR….

Hello OSG Community,

I wanted to introduce myself and give you a brief summary of what I’ll be up to.

So…hello and nice to meet you!  I am one of the two new Natural Resource Policy Fellows.  I joined the ranks in October and  I am now working with Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife’s (ODFW) Marine Resource Program (MRP) in Newport, Oregon.

Generally speaking, over the next year I will provide support for the current statewide marine spatial planning effort.  More specifically, I will assist with the development of the “Nearshore Ecological Data Atlas” (NEDA), a GIS-based resource that will be displayed on Oregon MarineMap. NEDA will feature a collection of ecological data sets (biological, oceanographic, habitat, etc.) and will be an important resource for current and future planning and management efforts.  I will also help with public outreach efforts and serve as MRP’s primary coordinator between NEDA and Oregon MarineMap project partners.

That is a general overview of what I will be up to.  But, if I’ve learned anything over the last month or so….everyday is a new day, and everyday brings something different and exciting.  My fellowship is just beginning to pick up steam and I look forward to keeping you abreast of exciting highlights and accomplishments over the next year!

Cheers to all,


One thought on “Hello from Newport, OR….

  1. Hi Ben! Nice to see some new life on the blog! I can’t wait to hear what you’re up to this year – please keep us posted.

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