Mid-week update

I need a job

I need a job

I need a job

I need a job

I need a job
I need a job


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About Diego

I am from Puerto Rico, but just graduated in Biological Sciences from the University of Louisiana @ Lafayette (ULL). I am very excited to work at the Hatfield Marine Science Center (HMSC) Visitor Center (VC) for the Summer, giving presentations to people and kids, tours, estuary walks, and whatever else needs to be done!

2 thoughts on “Mid-week update

  1. Um, maybe if you include a few details of what kind of job you’re looking for and your qualifications, it would be more useful?

  2. Haha sorry sorry. It was a stressful day thinking about jobs and how I don’t have one after this internship. I can email you my resume! I would love a lab job… I’ve been looking at OHSU… But the Linnus Pauling Institute at OSU sounds like a good place to be. You guys missed the show yesterday at Bombs Away!! We had a blast!

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