Picture Blog Fail…Guided

This is (was) a Picture Blog!

This week, I decided to document my week with pictures and screenshots. Yes, I will put captions to describe what each picture means, as some will be screenshots of the documents I have been working on. So hold on tight.

  • Monday… workday! all I got was a screenshot

Monday... Panel content, emailing everybody in the world, and adjusted my timeline

You won’t believe what just happened… I lost my phone, retrieved it today, finding that all of my pictures disappeared. No more picture blog… sad sad sad day.

Tuesday, was a busy day. I finished my text content for the panels and started working with the Steller sea lion bones to find out how big this animal truly is. I am planning on putting these bones (part of them) on the final panel with the life history transmitter tag inside of it to show visitors how it works. I had pictures of this huge skeleton, but they are now in a technological black hole. I also met with the man who will produce the final product when I’m gone (unless somebody…im looking at you OSG… finds some more cash to keep this Puerto Rican around a bit longer). He was very nice and extremely experienced. He once built an entire exhibit by himself, without any previous plans or sketches… that’s art right there. We talked about some ideas for the panel, from which I made some sketches of, and am showing my graphic designer in the near future. That night, I headed out to Portland to hang out with Betty Mujica, and assist her through her endeavours (mainly of driving through roads with people inside of cars). We spent Wednesday in Seattle, where we went to the Pikes place market (again, pictures not available), and returned to Portland that night too late to find any good food, so we ended up eating Wendy’s (did I mention the same happened the night before, and we ate at the Shilo Inn Lounge?).

Thursday, we went to Portland to hang out, and I got a haircut, pizza and homemade cranberry soda from hot lips pizza, and gelatto. We had a very nice day and headed back that afternoon to Hatfield… aka: reality.

Friday, I worked at the VC by myself all day, in an effort to relieve my friends and fellow interns since they had important compromises elsewhere. It was, thankfully, a slow day. Where I worked on the curriculum, and obtained some cool sea lion pictures from Dr. Horning.

Saturday and Sunday were work days… Reaaally longgg workk days. Since I am done with my content for the exhibit, all I could do was wait for the graphic desginer for the poster, and in the meantime…more curriculum work and fixing exhibits left and right. I did go clamming with Betty and Margaret, from which a beautiful clam/spinach pasta was made…

This week, I expect to have something set up for the exhibit, in order to collect some data from the visitors. I will also be performing at Bombs Away on Wednesday, August 3rd… starting at 730PM!

See you there!



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About Diego

I am from Puerto Rico, but just graduated in Biological Sciences from the University of Louisiana @ Lafayette (ULL). I am very excited to work at the Hatfield Marine Science Center (HMSC) Visitor Center (VC) for the Summer, giving presentations to people and kids, tours, estuary walks, and whatever else needs to be done!

2 thoughts on “Picture Blog Fail…Guided

  1. So what kind of science content will be on your exhibit? Can you provide a sneak peak? Sorry I missed you at Bombs last night – how was the show?

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