Work |wk.6|


Week six was a bit stressful for me. I had numerous physics assignments due, and even though I was physics-ed-out from the exam weekend before, I had to push on. I’ve decided it’s tough working all day and then doing homework at night. For me, being at a computer ALL DAY is not cool. Summer is my favorite season because it’s warm and sunny and I get to wander comfortably outside without the impedement of snow or mushy, wet, thawed ground. (I go to Michigan Tech so it snows from November to April, with most of the snow gone by May.) Point being, I’m sad I’m missin’ out on the out of doors. However, it does make me grateful for my weekends, which are always awesome!

Last Week

No videos up on YouTube yet – sorry! I’m waiting for a job ticket to get processed which allows me access to a video folder so Bob (our web designer) can retrieve the videos and upload them. It seems as if transferring a video to someone for the purpose of uploading would be simple…but it’s not. ODFW has strict IT policies and access is required for a number of things. The waiting is a bit frusterating for me because my purpose here is to get these videos out! I wish I could make a one-stop shop and boom – access granted. Not so.

Screenshot of me editing a still in Adobe Premiere Pro CS4

Last week was a lot of video clipping. This week I’m focusing on compilation and design. I want to dedicate extra time this week to the project since last week I felt I was distracted by physics.

Last Weekend

Last weekend I dog-sat Selkie for Erin. Selkie and I beach-hopped Saturday from Seal Rock to Tillamook. The weather was beautiful and it was great.

Selkie on Moolach Beach

Sunday I spent the day with the girls in Alsea (Lauren’s hometown). After visiting a couple falls we went to Clemen’s Park and swam in the Alsea River, before laying out and enjoying the heat and sun of off-coast Oregon. We then visited Lauren’s house and her parents made us an unexpected and delicious dinner! It was a much-needed relaxing day. My only complaint are all the winding roads from the coast to central Oregon! They deceive you with the beautiful scenery but it’s fairly easy to get car-sick. :O

Oh, and while my phone doesn’t take the best pictures, it works!

I believe this is Anderson's Lookout point

One thought on “Work |wk.6|

  1. I totally understand. It’s difficult for me to work on my writing at night after sitting at a computer all day at work. I wonder if there is a way to “beach hop” through your work tasks. Beach access is easier at some locales, but the whole strand of beach is connected like one ribbon.

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