Redfish Rocks |wk.3|

Hello Everyone!


Project #1. Code name: Port Orford/Redfish Rocks. (I’ll probably be using these names interchangeably – so don’t get confused!)

This project entails creating a highlight video of our 2010 ROV footage of the Redfish Rocks marine reserve and marine protected area near Port Orford. 


So what is a marine reserve and a marine protected area? As defined by Oregon’s Ocean Policy Advisory Council a marine reserve (MR) is:  

“An area within Oregon’s territorial sea or adjacent rocky intertidal area that is protected from all extractive activities, including the removal or disturbance of living and non-living marine resources, except as necessary for monitoring or research to evaluate reserve condition, effectiveness, or impact of stressors.”

While the federal definition of a marine protected area (MPA) as defined by Executive Order 13158 is:

“Any area of the marine environment that has been reserved by federal, state, tribal, territorial, or local laws or regulations to provide lasting protection for part or all of the natural and cultural resources therein.”

Redfish Rocks MR/MPA near Port Orford is one of two pilot reserves established in 2009 – the other being at Otter Rock. I say ‘pilot’ because the rules adopted by ODFW for the area are not yet in effect. A recent update  states that closure will take effect January 1, 2012 so that ODFW can collect another seasons worth of data. There are three main state agencies who have adopted rules for this area. First, ODFW establishes prohibitions and allowances on fish and wildlife resources. Second, the Oregon Department of State Lands (DSL) authorizes uses on state-owned submerged and submersible land. Third, the Oregon Parks & Recreation Department (OPRD) governs the use of portions of the ocean shore as well as areas adjacent to the MPA/MR.


The rules differ between the MR and MPA. Basically, a MPA is a little more relaxed than a MR. The MR does not allow:

Redfish Rocks MR/MPA

  1. Removal of kelp or seaweed
  2. Take of any fish or wildlife
  3. Hunting
  4. Fishing
  5. Commercial or recreational salmon trolling
  6. Commercial or recreational crabbing

While the marine reserve prohibits 1-6, the marine protected area allows everything except 2 and 4. Of course, some of this is allowed with a permit. Also, as a disclosure, I’ve simplified this as much as I could! For specifics please check out the following websites:


This video will be great as a visible resource. After the closure takes effect Mike, my advisor, and his Marine Habitat team will continue to monitor the area with the ROV. So basically, we will have before and after footage to which we can visibly compare – and I will be showing you the before!


Friday I got my shellfish license (!!!). So this weekend Lauren, Betty, Margeret, and I headed out to Seal Rocks to gather mussels. Our mission was very successful and we decided to grill ’em later that day. We are still unskilled in the ways of mussel-bakes so some of the mussels didn’t completely open, butttt, they were still very delicious! However, some of the other girls may have differing views… :)

Happy 4th!


2 thoughts on “Redfish Rocks |wk.3|

  1. I really liked your summary of MR vs MPA. It’s cool that your project has both immediate rewards (the current video of pre-MR conditions) and a long-term plan (footage from after the MR opens). You and AnnaRose are working on related issues (MR and CMSP) – it might be fun for you to share your experiences about the process. Maybe at the mid-session get together?

  2. Yeah that sounds great! Also, as a side note, in the information exchange I mixed up ‘The Rules’ for the MR. It is now fixed.

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