The Orange Vest…Guided

i like how this blog greets me with “howdy diego”.

This week’s highlights in 7 bullets: Note that the other two interns, Adaline and Dylan, are here now and this week, we got trained.

1) Monday: Dr. “Mudflat” gave us a tour of the…well… mudflats on the Yaquina Bay. The challenge was to soak it all up in the hour that we were there. Then we got a tour of HMSC, went through our OceanQuest presentation (a powerpoint presentation based on underwater vents and volcanoes that scientists at Hatfield studied), and talked about hypoxia with the experts (pisco).

2) Tuesday: Money counting intro, Dr. R gave us an estuary lecture, then Mr. J gave us an estuary tour, OceanQuest again, this time with public, then fisheries training and dock walk with KH (this was awesome).

Dock Walk: notice the bridge in the back

Rogue on Tuesday… almost forgot/remembered

3) Wednesday: Opening procedures (repeat for me), Yaquina Head (fell from the rock and scraped my hand…infected), amazing tidepooling (i didn’t have my camera)! Estuary Walk and OCEANQUEST again!!!!

4) Thursday: Learned how to take care of the fish, water quality, feed them, etc, Estuary walk, OceanQuest. Scheduling days off/on for the summer with the other interns. It was challenging to bargain with the other interns to get the weekends off, but it worked out at the end.

Ursula the Octopus

5) Friday: Estuary Walk, OceanQuest, Manual labor with Tim… I like Tim.

This week was basically a lot of repetition of our tours that we would be doing all summer long and an outline of the basic expectations for our final projects/exhibits. It was challenging but fun to practice our estuary walks and our oceanquest presentation.

6) Saturday: FIRST DAY OF WORK. Mentor is out of town, just me and Adaline. We open, hang, and I give an estuary tour to 12 scouts, who gave me positive feedback on the visitor center logbook!!!!! I was so excited to know that I did a good job on my first time around, which I owe to Ralph and Old Man Jerry, and Dr. Mudflat, my estuary mentors. Then I worked on my timeline for my final project, did OceanQuest for a few sleepieheads (lesson learned: don’t turn the lights all the way down in the auditorium)… and went play with our koi fish in the west wing… I like them because they kiss me in the knuckles.

7) Sunday: woke up to make some rice to hopefully have it ready by lunch. oh no! barely donnne but no cigar. Betty finished it for me… thank you Betty. Then i opened, Adaline gave the estuary tour and I worked in the Visitor Center on my timeline. Then I ran home, got my lentils and rice, and ate it while i walked back to work (give me more time to eaaaaaaaaaaat!) I wish i could have played beach volleyball…oh well. I met people from Memphis and we talked about fisheries and the blues, then I came home to cook some clam chowder, sea_gil and betty got some clams while i was out, so we went to fred meyer to get some ingredients and some other food stuffs… Betty cooked it after I opened those suckers up

By Betty


now i write this blog entry while my pictures upload so i can post them within it. Posted


According to my timeline, next week I will brainstorm on ideas for my exhibit, as well as give more estuary tours and OceanQuest presentations…

I hope i can have more enthusiasm for the OceanQuest presentations since its right after lunch time and i have the “itis”.

god bless ghostshrimps, octopuses, mole crabs,and my orange vest…





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About Diego

I am from Puerto Rico, but just graduated in Biological Sciences from the University of Louisiana @ Lafayette (ULL). I am very excited to work at the Hatfield Marine Science Center (HMSC) Visitor Center (VC) for the Summer, giving presentations to people and kids, tours, estuary walks, and whatever else needs to be done!

4 thoughts on “The Orange Vest…Guided

  1. So can you give the audience at home some insight into the science behind the visitor’s center? What’s the best piece of marine science knowledge you acquired last week?

  2. Here at the Visitor Center (VC) people come from all parts of the country. I enjoy meeting new people, all who have different questions, and different learning goals at the VC. I have learned about husbandry (aquarium maintenance and feeding of animals), and about octopi, like where the different organs are, the difference between a male and a female, and the number of eggs a female deposits.

  3. I really don’t have that much time with the octopus because I am not an expert, but the aquarists taught me how to handle it, which i was able to do a couple of days ago. Now, I am in charge of the moon jelly tank (i figured you would like that)!!! I am also working on my exhibit relating the Steller Sea Lion Life History Transmitter research to the visitors via an interactive and a FAQ video. That is basically my job at the VC, and my goal as a Sea Granter for the summer. I attempt to be a broker of information for the public ;)

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