Estuaries Guided…extended version (week 1)

Hello! My name is Diego Martin-Perez, and I just graduated from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette with a BS in Biology. I am so excited to be working at the Visitor Center (VC) here in Newport, Oregon.
I am going to be responsible for giving some tours and presentations over at the VC, talking about the estuary, the Ocean Quest findings in the deep sea, and Dr. Markus Horning’s work on sea lions and the Life History Transmitter.
This past week, I basically got settled in the VC, met a bunch of awesome people that showed me around the place and told me what to do. On Tuesday, I met with the volunteer coordinator at the VC and she taught me how to open the place up (and how to close it). During that day, I spent the time helping in the “wet labs”, where a Sea Granter gave hands on lectures to kids of 6th grade, as well as 2nd grade. I won’t lie, I learned a bunch in these “elementary” lectures, mostly about the ecology of the rocky intertidal, clams, and how to handle sea stars (aka the sneak attack). Wednesday, I met another volunteer coordinator and worked in the VC for a few hours, until I went on my tour of the estuary adjacent to the VC, where I learned about clam diggin’, ghost shrimp, medicinal plants found in this location, and other cool things about the tides. I really enjoyed my little tour, so much that I took my other Sea Grant intern friends on the same tour the day after!
Thursday, I met the former Sr. Aquarist at the VC, who showed me almost everything I needed to know about how to take care of fishes and tanks containing them. He also taught me how to touch an octopus, which I did! Then, I met with someone in charge of curriculum design for kids, who placed upon me the challenge of designing an experiment with modeling clay, water and ice, and a thermometer (definitely a challenge, but a fun one). Later that day, I went clamming and got several clams (mmm clam chowder anyone?)!!!
Friday, I met my mentor, and started the extreme, painful challenge (the biggest of the week) of buffing the “chaos wheel tank”. I had never done that before, and it was hard on my body… I am still hurting from it… Then yesterday, sea grant friends and I went thrift shopping, farmer’s marketing, and ice cream/taco devouring outing! Today, I took a bike ride to the beach, ate lunch picnic style on the beach volleyball court, and read my book… oh and am writing this entry!
This upcoming week, I will meet more interns at the VC, start organizing schedules for the summer, and learning our tours and presentations, among other surprises (like finishing the buff action with the chaos wheel)…
Come visit me at the VC! I am the one with the mustache and the orange vest… Regards… Deegs

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About Diego

I am from Puerto Rico, but just graduated in Biological Sciences from the University of Louisiana @ Lafayette (ULL). I am very excited to work at the Hatfield Marine Science Center (HMSC) Visitor Center (VC) for the Summer, giving presentations to people and kids, tours, estuary walks, and whatever else needs to be done!

One thought on “Estuaries Guided…extended version (week 1)

  1. Physical labor is definitely part of any research or outreach activity, and hopefully gives you time to ponder some meaningful research questions like: who was the first person to handle an octopus and what were they thinking?!

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