Getting Our Research Stories Out to the World –

How University Relations and Marketing Can Help

Tuesday, January 20

12 noon – 1pm

LPSC Seminar room 402


thNick Houtman, 

assistant director of
News and Research Communications,
editor of Terra Magazine

Oregon State’s strategic plan positions OSU as an international leader in three areas of distinction: Earth ecosystems; health and wellness; innovation and economic development. University Relations and Marketing (URM) serves that goal.
Through media relations, Terra magazine, websites, social media, a monthly science pub and media training for faculty and students, we publicize OSU research with an eye on meaning and impact. We celebrate accomplishments by students and faculty.
With our partners (the Research Office, colleges, centers and institutes, Extension and Experiment Station Communications, the Alumni Association and Foundation), we identify research projects that are addressing problems and advancing knowledge.
Come and find out how we choose topics and how you can take advantage of the stories, photos and videos produced by URM. There will be plenty of time to get your questions answered.

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