To Tweet or Not to Tweet

That is the question.

Tuesday, December 17th 

12 noon – 1 pm 

Linus Pauling Science Center (LPSC) seminar room 402

Three OSU Tweeters will share their knowledge, expertise, and advice. 

~ Naomi Hirsch @naomichirps, On-line science communicator for two research centers, will provide an overview of how Twitter is useful for outreach and professional careers.

~ Brett Tyler @BrettTylerOSU, Director, Center for Genome Research and Biocomputing, will provide a scientist perspective on use.

~ Brendan Cahill @bgcahill, Fulbright-Marine Institute Scholar, will provide a career development perspective helpful for graduate students and postdocs.

Bring your laptop or tablet and tweet. Get questions answered.  A Twitter cheat sheet will be provided to help the newbie get started and the beginner to intermediate tweeter save time.  Getting more familiar with Twitter will perhaps help you make an informed decision “To Tweet or Not to Tweet”.

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