“Farm Bureau is proud to support Oregon students interested in agriculture,” said Tom Winterrowd, scholarship coordinator for Clackamas County Farm Bureau. “Today’s students are the future of Oregon’s family farming and ranching community.”


  • Clackamas County High School graduate, current county resident or prior recipient
  • Majoring or planning on majoring in the field of Agriculture and or Forestry
  • High school/college GPA of 2.8
  • 2 letters of recommendation
  • 1 page letter detailing reasons pursuing a degree in agriculture or related field
  • Resume

Deadline March 15

For more information on how to apply, please visit their site http://oregonfb.org/scholarships/

Over the past decade, the Dr. Alma S. Adams Scholarship for Outreach and Health Communications to Reduce Tobacco Use Among Priority Populations has recognized students for their commitment to community service and use of the creative arts to raise awareness of tobacco’s harmful impacts in disproportionately affected communities.


  • Tobacco related community service in support of an underserved population disproportionally affected by tobacco described in personal statement
  • SAR report
  • minimum GPA of 2.0

Deadline: April 30

For more information on how to apply, please visit their site http://truthinitiative.org/Adams-Scholarship

SCE is a membership organization devoted to the Construction Industry. We provide a place where General Contractors and Sub-Contractors can come and view commercial projects from around the state of Oregon and SW Washington to place bids. Write a 400-500 word Essay on the student’s career plans and how it relates to the construction industry.


  • Any student enrolled in a construction related occupation. Field of studies may include: architect, engineer, project manager, technical fields. Must be enrolled as a student the September following the date of application. Students must be citizens of the United States.

  • The academic institution may either be a university, community college or trade school with a recognized related course of study. Scholarships will be applied toward full time tuition costs for one calendar year.

  • Applicants that are affiliated with a member of Salem Contractors Exchange will receive higher preference.

Deadline: February 15th

For more information and the application, follow this link to the PDF scholarship-app-2017

Legacy Meridian Park Medical Center Volunteers are proud to offer the Geraldine Stephenson Continuing Education Scholarship for $1,500 to 5,000.


  • Individual in school after at least 5 years out of school, enrolled in a program, approved for financial aid and entering a field in health care.

Deadline: May 31st

For more information on how to apply, please visit their site http://www.legacyhealth.org/our-legacy/legacy-values/in-the-community/scholarships.aspx

Posted in May.

Remote DBA is proud to offer a new scholarship program for students interested in pursuing a data-focused or data science careers. We invite all current students, as well as graduating high school seniors, interested in pursuing a career in database administration, data management and data science to apply. Write an essay on the topic My vision for the world 20 years from now: How access to data and technology will change everything around us.


  • Students currently enrolled in an accredited college or university located in United States with a minimum 2.8 GPA.
  • Graduating high school seniors with a GPA of 3.0 or above are also eligible to apply for the scholarship.

Deadline: May 1st

For more information on how to apply, please visit their site http://www.remotedba.com/remote-dba-experts-to-students-scholarship/

Posted in May.

Undocumented residents who meet certain qualifications are now eligible to apply for scholarships from The Ford Family Foundation.


Applicants in Oregon must meet the eligibility requirements of Oregon House Bill (HB) 2787 and Senate Bill (SB) 932, including:

  • Attended a Oregon high school for at least three years immediately preceding graduation or equivalent
  • Attended an elementary school or secondary/high school in a state or territory of the United States during each of the five years immediately prior to receiving a high school diploma, or equivalent
  • Graduated (or will graduate) from an Oregon high school or the equivalent
  • Applied for a federal individual taxpayer identification number or other official federal identification document
  • Show intention to become a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident

Deadline: March 1st

For more information on how to apply, please visit their site http://www.tfff.org/general-article-news-stories-etc/scholarships-available-undocumented-residents?utm_source=Oregon+GEAR+UP+Newsletter&utm_campaign=8c35e66ba2-GEARUPNewsletter_1_4_17&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_1178be9b0e-8c35e66ba2-294494541

SCE is a membership organization devoted to the Construction Industry.  SCE provides a place where General Contractors and Sub-Contractors can come and view commercial projects from around the state of Oregon and SW Washington to place bids.


  • Any student enrolled in a construction related occupation
  • Field of studies include: construction, materials, architect, engineer, project manager and technical fields
  • Students attending University, Community College or Trade School with a recognized related course of study

Deadline: February 15

Scholarship details: http://www.sceonline.org/Content/Documents/Scholarship_App_2017.pdf

HomeLight is a small team of talented people in San Francisco looking to change the face of real estate. We use actual sales data and client reviews to find the best real estate agents for homeowners across the United States.


  • Legal U.S. resident in high school or college who will be attending an accredited university or college when the scholarship would be applied
  • Areas of study in interior design, architecture, construction, urban planning, real estate, business, social work, criminal justice, psychology, economics and sociology
  • Submit a short essay to do with interest in real estate, how your career will help more people find their dream home and what impact have you had n homes or homelessness in your community

Deadline: April 1 and November 15

For more information on applying, please visit their site


Students that will graduate from Linn, Benton, or Lincoln County high schools in the spring or graduates of those high schools currently studying music at an institution of higher learning. Those eligible applicants whose material are complete will be asked to interview and perform informally on Saturday April 8th, 2017 in Benton Hall, OSU. Two letters of recommendation.

Deadline: March 27th    music-scholarship

The application and more information is located in the link.

The Eastern Washington Section of the Society of Women Engineers and AREVA Inc. offer financial assistance. This scholarship provides financial assistance to individuals admitted to accredited undergraduate or graduate programs, in preparation for careers in engineering in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho states.  The scholarship is awarded annually to a qualified engineering student in the rising-sophomore or above classification in engineering fields.


  • Completed at least one year of studies in an ABET accredited school with an intention to enter any engineering field.
  • Transcripts
  • Updated Resume
  • Two letters of reference

Deadline: Must be post marked by February 28th

A copy of the application can be found in the link provided. Also, more information on the scholarship, required application materials, and how to mail it in. http://ews.swe.org/scholarships.html