The cost of obtaining a college education has grown rapidly over the past few decades, making it more and more difficult for many people to realize their educational goals. As an attorney, Ronald D. Weiss understands the value of higher education as well as the tremendous investment of time and money obtaining one can involve.


  • Currently enrolled in a college or university or planning to enroll as a freshman
  • Be in good academic standing at current institution

Deadline: April 21

Scholarship Details:

Zumper is looking for outstanding students who have helped their classmates or community in a tremendous way. Maybe you started a club that raised $10,000 for charity, or championed recycling and sustainable practices across campus. Whatever it is, Zumper would love to hear about it!


  • Must be a legal U.S. resident
  • Student must be planning to attend or currently attending an accredited college or university in the fall

Deadlines: Spring- April 1, Winter- November 15

Retail Chapter Award I


  • Student must be majoring in ornamental horticulture or related fields
  • Preference given to students who are the son/daughter of an OAN member retailer or one of their employees

Retail Chapter Award II


  • Student must be majoring in ornamental horticulture or related fields

Retail Chapter Award III


  • Student must be majoring in ornamental horticulture or related fields

Deadlines: April 15th