ProWeb365 is a website development and digital marketing company in Minnesota. This year, we are excited to let you know that we are offering a “ProWeb365 Scholarship Award for 2018” to students at colleges and universities in the U.S. We would like to extend this invitation to Oregon State University Students. This scholarship is awarded to the winning student in the amount $1,000. The award will be sent to the winner according to scholarship rules outlined by winning  student’s university/college

Yearly Scholarship Amount: 1000

Application Deadline: Thu, 12/27/2018

Eligibility requirements:

  1. You may apply for this scholarship if you are currently enrolled and pursuing a course of study in a U.S. college or university
  2. You must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 at the time of your application

How to Apply:

  1. Fill out the Scholarship application. (Download from our website)
  2. Write a 1000- to 2000-word article on “How to produce effective content for a business website.”
  3. Email your application and article to in Word Doc or PDF format. Add the subject line: “Content Marketing Scholarship” in your email.

For more information, please visit their website at

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