The GetVoIP Achievers Scholarship aims to give back to the community by providing (1) student per calendar year with a $3,000 scholarship to go into pursuing their education and ensuing innovation for the future. All applicants must submit an essay question in order to apply. The submitted essays will go into a voting poll for the best written essay on their stance on Net Neutrality. The voters will be a panel of 50 highly acclaimed tech writers. The winner will be notified via phone and email contact.\

Yearly Scholarship Amount: $3,000

Application Deadline: Fri, 08/31/2018

Eligibility requirements: The GetVoIP Achievers Scholarship is open to any student enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate degree program by September 1, 2018 at any accredited U.S. college, university or institute.

Essay Prompt:

Each applicant must submit an essay of around 800 words or less on the following topic:

Net Neutrality has become an emotionally charged topic in recent years. What do you believe will change with the incoming repeal of Net Neutrality and what should the average internet user prepare for?

For more information, please visit their website at


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