Since 1984, our company has serviced Northern California with quality solar, heating, and cooling services. We believe in our community and in the quality of our product. We’ve seen the difference it makes to our customers and neighbors, which has helped make us one of the area’s innovators in solar energy and home efficiency.

Yearly Scholarship Amount: $500

Application Deadline: Thu, 05/31/2018

Eligibility requirements: Any student can apply. Money must be used on tuition or books.

Essay Prompt: Why do you feel that solar electricity for the United States is important in the 21st century? What can be done to improve the growth of solar electricity for residential homes?

Send your essay to with the title “Scholarship Essay.” Make sure you include both an email where you can be reached and a phone number as well.

For more information, please visit their website at


Posted in May.

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