At we believe using coupons is a great way to save the money you need to pursue your dreams. We want to reward and support students who understand the importance of always getting the most value for their money. Each semester one student in the United States will receive the PromoCodeWatch Smart Spender Scholarship to help pay for tuition and school expenses.

Yearly Scholarship Amount: 2000

Application Deadline: Tue, 10/02/2018

Eligibility requirements:

  • Entering or attending any post-secondary institution in the United States
  • U.S. resident or International students with valid visas
  • Complete all application requirements before deadline

How to Apply?

Send Your Application to

What to include with your application:

  • Your Full Name
  • School Info: Your first choice if you have not made a final decision
  • 1000 – 1500 word Essay

Essay Prompt: Write an essay on the topic of frugal shopping and saving money while attending school.

  • Who has taught you the most about frugal shopping?
  • How will you save money while attending college?
  • What unique experiences will help you be successful in your education?

For more Information, please visit their website at


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