Film Budgeteers believes in the empowerment of students of all ethnic backgrounds, but from where we sit, the Film Community is in dire need of more voices of color and more variety regarding talented young producers across the vast spectrum of gender. We recognize that pursuing a career in film or the visual arts can be a costly challenge for students of diversity, and we feel we can best do our part to encourage young filmmakers from diverse backgrounds and gender perspectives to take on the challenges of a film or visual arts education by offering a twice-annual scholarship fund of $2500 to any qualified students pursuing a 2- or 4-year college, graduate school, or trade training program.


  • Student must come from a diverse ethnic background, and/or identify with the LBGTQ community Student does not need to be a film major or enrolled in any sort of film school curriculum
  • The goal of this scholarship is to promote scholars from all disciplines and majors, in order to bring new perspectives and a more rich, varied palette of knowledge, experience, and wisdom to the film industry
  • Candidate may be of any age
  • Candidate must have been accepted into a 4-year college or university

Deadline: 01/31/2018


Why do you feel your voice as a filmmaker would be both vital and unique to the film community?

For more information, please visit their website at


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