Children who have lost a parent or had a parent seriously injured in an air medical or critical care ground transport accident are eligible for financial assistance through the MedEvac Foundation International’s Children’s Scholarship Fund. The Foundation will award two scholarships of $5,000 (one for a child who has a lost a parent in an air medical transport accident and one for child who has lost a parent in a critical care ground transport accident) to a deserving student entering or enrolled in college, university or vocational-technical school.


  • Be a legal U.S. resident
  • Submit a complete application and all required documentation
  • Be a dependent and/or an immediate relative of a medical transport crewmember that lost their life due to an air medical or critical care transport accident. This includes parents, step-parents, legal guardians, and grandparents

Deadline: 12/31/2018


Prepare a 300-word essay on one of the following topics

  • Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you
  • Describe your leadership achievements or significant service contributions to your school or community
  • Describe a significant event or person in your life that has influenced your future plans. Tell us what your plans are and how the significant event or person helped create those plans

For more information, please visit their website at


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