
  • This scholarship is offered to any student currently enrolled in an accredited community college, undergraduate, or graduate  program in the United States. This includes incoming first-year college students who are high school graduates or possess a GED.
  • The scholarship candidate must possess a demonstrated interest in  immigration reform and a dedication to their education.
  • All eligible candidates must be in good academic standing, with a  minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above.
  • An updated resume and completed cover sheet.
  • A current unofficial transcript from the applicant’s school (NOTE: First-year college students must submit an unofficial transcript from their most recent school, as well as an  unofficial transcript from their current post-secondary  institution.)

Deadline: November 30th


The scholarship candidate must submit a 750-word essay or statement that considers current immigration conditions and reforms in the United States and offers ways that these conditions might be improved, as well as the importance of immigration reform.

For more information on how to apply, please visit their site https://thecoveragelawyer.com/scholarship/

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