Fueloyal, headquartered in Bloomingdale, suburb of Chicago is a world leading and most innovative provider of fuel management and fleet management solutions. Fueloyal invented and developed most innovative and patented fuel theft solution helps over 500 trucking businesses protect their assets.

Fueloyal’s solution called Smart Fuel Cap that solves $10 Billion annually worth problem of fuel theft and fuel card misuse in trucking industry. Integrated smart hardware (IoT) and software offers trucking companies 100% fuel theft protection. In addition by collecting, managing and using data collected from the sensors installed on the truck smart fuel cap uses predictive intelligence to change the way trucking companies buy fuel and save them up to $950 per truck/month.

High school senior or undergraduate

Deadline: November 30th

1. Respond to the following essay prompt in 500 or fewer words:

In recent decades, trucking industry has changed rapidly and
impacted society in dramatic ways. 70% Of All goods in USA are
transported by Trucks. Latest growth of online stores such as
Amazon and Jet increased the need for even more trucks.

Trucking Industry Is growing and more and more parcels are
delivered every year. Has this been a positive, negative or
neutral change, and why?
How do you think trucking industry will change for your children?
Will this be a positive, negative or neutral change, and why?
For more information on how to apply, please visit their site https://www.fueloyal.com/scholarship/

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