Essays should be roughly 1,000 words in length and should answer ONE of the following questions:

  1. How has the Federal Reserve System helped or hurt the American economy?
  2. Most economists, even those who support private property and free markets, think that money (or monetary services, or money and banking, etc.) is a special good that must be produced and controlled by the government. Do you agree or disagree, and why?
  3. How do you think the free market would handle money, if there were no government intervention of any kind?
  4. How could America best return to a gold or bi-metallic standard?


  • Provide proof of current attendance at a high school, college, or university (by submitting, for example, a transcript) and upload their current resume and their essay
  • Open to high school seniors, undergraduate students, and graduate students with an interest in economics, specifically the tradition of the Austrian school. You DO NOT have to be an economics major to be eligible to receive this scholarship.

Deadline: September 30th

For more information on how to apply, please visit their site

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