Undocumented residents who meet certain qualifications are now eligible to apply for scholarships from The Ford Family Foundation.


Applicants in Oregon must meet the eligibility requirements of Oregon House Bill (HB) 2787 and Senate Bill (SB) 932, including:

  • Attended a Oregon high school for at least three years immediately preceding graduation or equivalent
  • Attended an elementary school or secondary/high school in a state or territory of the United States during each of the five years immediately prior to receiving a high school diploma, or equivalent
  • Graduated (or will graduate) from an Oregon high school or the equivalent
  • Applied for a federal individual taxpayer identification number or other official federal identification document
  • Show intention to become a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident

Deadline: March 1st

For more information on how to apply, please visit their site http://www.tfff.org/general-article-news-stories-etc/scholarships-available-undocumented-residents?utm_source=Oregon+GEAR+UP+Newsletter&utm_campaign=8c35e66ba2-GEARUPNewsletter_1_4_17&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_1178be9b0e-8c35e66ba2-294494541

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