Oregon State University
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Schilke Lab

Biomaterials and Biointerfaces Lab

Nisin Activity

May 14th, 2016

Protocol from Matt Ryder 2007-2008 bioactivity assay (Ryder UHC thesis).

Nisin Activity on PS Microspheres

General Schedule

Day Before: Date __________
  • Make MRS Broth (change bi-weekly):
Vol __________ Date __________
  • Make overnight Pediococcus culture (16 hr incubation):
Time/Date Start __________ Finish __________
Vol __________
OD600 __________
rpm __________
  • Incubate microsphres with F108 (16 hr min):
Start __________ Finish __________
Day of Test: Date __________
  • Dilute 100x the overnight Pediococcus culture: OD600 __________
  • Make MRS agar
Total number samples: __________ MRS Gel Vol: __________ ml
  • Make MRS agar tubes
Total number of tubes: __________
  • Incubate microspheres with nisin (1 hr) Date __________

Perform Colony Count Assay

Performed Number __________ Date __________
Day 1: __________
Day 7: __________
Day 14: __________
Day 21: __________
Day 28: __________
*Day 35: __________

Inventory Check

  • PS microsphers, (Seradyn, Part No: 81002497100290, 1.15 µm, 10% solid. In refrigerator.)
  • Pluronic F-108 Solution (5% in refrigerator Lab 300.)
if diluted note here: __________
  • South African nisin solution (-80°C freezer)
  • 0.01 M phosphate buffer. 0.2 µm filtered
Phosphate buffer is NOT PBS
  • Screw-top test tubes
  • Pediococcus Stock Solution (FBB 612, In -80°C freezer)
  • Lactobacilli MRS Broth, (EMD, Product No: 1.10661.0500)
  • Agar, Granulated (Difco, Product No: 214530)
  • Petri Dishes, 100 mm in diameter.
Number of dishes: __________
  • Serum nedded: __________ ml


  • Make sure incubator is on 37°C.
  • Make sure steam valve for autoclave is open 1 hr before use.
  • Wash hands carefully with soap and 70% alcohol. Put on gloves.
  • MRS Broth:
Add 52.2g of MRS to every 1 liter of RO water. Heat to dissolve MRS powder, then take to the autoclave at 121°C for 20 min sterilizing and 10 min drying. Run on liquid setting.
Vol made: __________ L
  • Overnight Pediococcus Culture:
Take Pediococcus glycerol stock from -80°C freezer. Dip a loop of Pediodoccus in a 50ml Falcon test tube contianing 10ml of MRS broth. Incubate at 37°C for 16hrs. Store at 4°’^C’ immediately after use.
Date/Time Start: __________ Finish: __________ OD600: __________
  • 100x Dilution of Pediococcus:
Dilute Peidococcus for neccessary total volume.
Stock Vol: __________ Diluent Vol: _________
Vol made: __________ Date: __________
  • MRS Agar Solution:
Add 15g agar to every 1 liter of MRS broth. Heat to dissolve powder, then take to autoclave at 121°C for 20 min sterilizing and 10 min drying. Run on liquid setting.
  • Glassware:
Autoclave necessary number of screw-top glass test tubes and flasks with agar solution.
  • MRS Agar tubes:
Pipette 12ml of MRS agar solution into each autoclaved screw-top tube. Tubes may be stored at 4°’^C’ for 2 weeks.
Date/Time made: __________

Preparation of Pluronic F-108 Coated PS Microspheres

  1. Mark 40ml Oakridge tubes to organize for later testing, according to formulation. Add F-108 to beads and incubate overnight — 10% total volume final solution of 5% F108. Date/Time: __________
  2. After incubation, vortex the tubes for 30 seconds to well-mix the microsphere solution.
  3. Spin down microspheres at max rpm for 15 min in swing arm centrifuge (if not available, use centrifuge in Gleeson 003).
  4. Remove supernatant and fill tubes with 0.01M PBS (possibly with NaCl?) up to 30ml.
  5. Vortex tubes to disperse microspheres again.
  6. Repeat steps 3-5 twice more.
  7. Spin down microspheres at max rpm for 15 min, remove supernatant.
  8. Fill tubes with 0.01M PBS up to 30ml.

Preparation of nisin loaded Microspheres

  1. Add nisin and other constituents according to experiment, except serum.
    • List ingredients and quantities thereof to prevent forgotten material
    • Constituents added: _________________________________________________
  2. Mount samples on rotator. Incubate for 1 hr at room temperature.

1st Washing

  1. Spin down microspheres at max rpm for 15 min.
  2. Remove supernatant.
  3. Fill tube to 30ml with 0.01M PBS.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 twice more.
  5. Let nisin coated microspheres stand for 1 hr.
  6. Make sure MRS agar solution tubes are standing by in the 40°C water bath. This takes a long time. Start far in advance (approximately 4-5 hours).
  7. Clean incubator with 70% alcohol before incubation.

2nd Washing

  1. Spin down microspheres at max rpm for 15 min.
  2. Remove supernatant.
  3. Fill tubes to 30ml with 0.01M PBS.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 twice more.
  5. Remove supernatant from the tubes of the previous step. Add buffer and/or serum according to formulation.
  6. Vortex (1 min) and sonicate (5 min) samples to disperse beads. Put samples on rotator and incubate at 37°C until designated test day.
Date/Time: __________

Assay of Microsphere Acitivty

Plate count Method

  1. Spin down incubated beads and remove supernatants. Wash, as in previous procedure, microsphere samples three times. Final nisin concentration in worst case: _________
  2. Add 100x dilute Pediococcus culture up to 1.5ml and disperse the 1ml (perhaps 1.5ml) dead sample by vortexing.
  3. Add another 1.5ml 100x dilute Pediococcus culture and sonicate for 3 min.
  4. Pipette solution into 15ml Falcon plastic tubes.
  5. Add 7ml of 100x Pediococcus culture to reach a 10ml volume.
  6. Rotate tubes at 37°C for 4 hours.
  7. Take out 4-hr incubated tube; disperse contents by vortexing.
  8. Add 1.0ml of of the 4-hr culture to 9ml of MRS broth to achieve 1000x dilution.
  9. Add 0.5ml of well-mixed 4-hr, 100x diluted samples at the center of Petri dish.
  10. Obtain a MRS agar tube from water bath and pour on top of the microsphere-containing solution.
  11. Plate the solution using either the spin or pour plate method (see Plating).
  12. Count the colonies on the plates. Record data in Excel spreadsheet. (Determine a useful range of colonies?)

Total 100x dilute Pediococcus solution needed = 150ml
Total MRs broth needed = 500ml
Plates Needed = 21
MRS Agar needed = 400ml (15ml/plate)
Experimental treatments and controls: List explicitly so they are consistent and not forgotten


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