Oregon State University
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Schilke Lab

Biomaterials and Biointerfaces Lab

Lab Procedures

May 2nd, 2016

Cloud point testing of 1% HTB solution

Information on effects of NaCl on cloud-point of Hillmyer PEO-PBD-PEO triblocks.

pH Electrode Maintenance

An instructional video on YouTube on maintaining pH electrodes and meters.

Serial Dilutions

A quick reference for the basic protocol for serial dilutions.


Protocol on plating bacterial culture in agar petri dish. Both the spin plating method and pour plating method are described. Includes suggested techniques on counting colonies.

Inert Atmosphere

Information on how to set up and use glassware to allow chemical reactions and other processes under inert atmosphere (e.g. nitrogen or argon).

Nisin Activity On PS Microspheres

Detailed protocol for 28-day experiment of nisin activity on PS microspheres. Originally constructed by Matt Ryder.

Auxier Bioactivity Assay 2012

Protocol for 28-day experiment of nisin activity against S. epidermidis.

TCVS Silanization using OSCAR

For attachment of silanes to silica surfaces. Used for PPO containing triblock attachment.

C18 Silanization

Solution-phase modification by C18 silanes on silica surfaces. Used for PBD containing triblock attachment. Produces nm-smooth coatings suitable for AFM on silicon wafers.

Surface Cleaning

Discussion and suggestions for proper cleaning of silica, titania, glass, etc. for surface chemistry.

Silver/Gold Staining

Protocols and discussion of protein detection on surfaces using silver/gold staining.
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