Oregon State University
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Schilke Lab

Biomaterials and Biointerfaces Lab

Chemistry/Physics Resources

May 2nd, 2016

Markup for formulas

The Schilke lab Wiki supports simple and advanced chemical formula markup to make it easy to write formulas like CH3(CH2)nC≡N.

See the Chemistry Markup page for detailed examples.

Much of the work in our lab is based on biomolecular interactions with surfaces. Often, these surfaces have been tailored or modified to introduce specific functionality (e.g. hydrophobic, pendant polymer chains, etc). Alternatively, the biomolecules themselves may be modified or conjugated to form constructs with new properties (e.g. specific covalent binding, changes in solubility or structure, etc). Organic chemistry is involved in both cases.

An excellent list of organic chemistry resources is maintained by University of Puget Sound. We also have excellent Chemistry and Biochemistry/Biophysics departments on campus. In particular, we have a good working relationship with Dr. Vince Remcho’s group in the Chemistry department.


Drawing molecules and reaction schemes for papers, etc. is made easier with ACD’s freeware

ChemSketch 11.0 (free download). There is a nice tutorial on drawing structures available.

A collection of common molecules used in our lab (as ChemSketch .sk2 files)

More specific information is organized into separate pages in the list below.

Chemistry and Physics of Biomolecules

Conjugation chemistry and techniques
The art and science of modifying and joining molecules together. Of particular interest are the reactions that allow the targeting of a specific chemical group on a protein, surface or molecule.

Silanization chemistry and theory
Silanization is widely used to modify the chemical properties of the surface of silica, glass, and other materials. Silanes are also used in organic chemistry to introduce a variety of moieties to molecules.

Solid-Phase Supported Synthesis?
There is considerable overlap between the biomaterials/bioconjugation and peptide synthesis fields. Of particular interest are the basic SPSS methods for building complex molecules on various supports, which may provide methods and ideas for biomaterials.

Useful Recipes and Techniques for Biomaterials

Recipes for common reagents and buffers
A central repository of recipes for commonly-used reagents and buffers (e.g. PBS), for quick reference in the lab.

Notes on handling and storing reagents
Many chemicals are sensitive to water, heat, oxygen, and other environmental factors. Some notes on handling and storing chemicals to maintain their activity and purity are collected here.

Analytical Resources

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Facility
The OSU NMR facility is located (conveniently!) in the Chemistry building. This is a valuable resource for conjugation chemistry and analytical work.

Glass Blowing

Interesting and Fun Resources

Interesting and fun papers/books/etc.
There are lots of wacky papers in the literature. They are fun and informative to read, so a collection has been started. Please contribute!


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